It is a great misunderstanding that fat is an enemy of diet, rather it is good for health

BySun Chan

For those who are on a diet, "fat" is a hatred enemy, and it is recognized as absolutely not to take. Also, fat is hated by people who care about cholesterol. However, research in the United States revealed that fat is not a health enemy but a health friend.

A Chef and Doctor Talk About Butter - Medium

Eleven Eleven Health Center's founder and physician Dr. Frank Lipman and cook contest award-winning chef and NY Tertulia owner chef Seamus Mullen said that a nutritionist says "should avoid" on diet I have studied food, such as butter etc jointly. In announcing the results of the research in an interactive manner in which both ask questions and answer "Fat is a friend of healthThe amazing content of it was revealed.

ByThomas Hawk

Questionnaire (Q):
Fat like butter has been disliked like "devil", but how did you make it a devil?

Dr. Frank Lipman (FL):
Until now fat has been regarded as an enemy of diet, and low fat foods have become popular, but this began in the late 1980s when saturated fatty acids were recognized as health hazards. The problem is,Not all fat is bad for your healthEven though it was being simplified too much for mass reception, it was reported as "fat = harm".

Seamus Mullen (SM):
I believe that the adverse effects of fat have been misunderstood because it was conveyed so much simplified.Healthy food pyramidI advise to take more cereals, but from recent research,Overall, fat has a beneficial effect on health over grainIt is clear that it is. For example, pure natural butter (butter made from dairy cow milk raised with grass) is an important source of good cholesterol and a good energy source.

But is not it bad for your heart? What about cholesterol levels?

It depends on the type of fat. For example,Trans fatty acidIt is fat to avoid because it is bad for your health. Trans fatty acids increase the cholesterol level and risk of arterial thrombosis. However, the association between meat and butter fat and heart disease is extremely small. In a recent studyCarbohydrates are a much bigger problemIt has been revealed.

Cholesterol is essential for keeping the body function sound. I often hear things about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, but it does not appear to be understood properly. For example, for people with high cholesterol levels, high bad cholesterol levels are not a problem so much, rather threatening the lack of good cholesterol is a threat. In other words, the ratio of good / bad cholesterol is important, but many people misunderstand. Also, high cholesterol occurs when taking only bad fat on the body such as carbohydrates and trans fatty acids, and taking little of the body's good fat.

I did not know that there is good fat like pure natural butter. Is there anything else surprising?

The cow naturally hangs the grass. Grass with the sun and fresh air is what dairies eat. It is not a creature that eats genetically modified corn or soybean. Changing food causes disease. Therefore, many cattle are given antibiotics. Everyone should look for the butter and meat of a cow that grew up with grass.

Cows are ruminant animals and have four stomachs. Thanks to that we can gather nutrition from the grass. Every cow should be raised with grass. To put it more, all living things should be brought up by nature 's intended food. Stuffing cows in a muddy feed lot and making them fattened with genetically modified corn and soybeans, or administering a large amount of antibiotic as a preventive measure against infectious diseases to pigs wanders a way far from the natural food chain It is a walking act.

ByMaciej Lewandowski

Low fat foods andSkim milk (skimmed milk powder)How do you think about it?

We should eat "real food". It is as close to natural as possible. This is what we can do for food problems. Forget about low-fat foods and skim milk. Butter should not be processed as much as possible. If you eat fat, you should take all good quality items without removing any ingredients. Please eat avocado, eat olive oil or coconut oil for cooking, eat nuts, natural salmon, pure natural butter, and grass-grown beef.

I think foods that have removed fat, especially skim milk and yoghurt with no lipids, are dangerous foods. When you remove lipids from a cup of milk you lose a lot. This means that milk is replaced by sugar with high lipid content. The cause of fattening people is not sugar but milk sugar.

Is there no other thing wrongly conveyed about fat?

Until now everyone was too afraid of fat. Many people forget that fat is important for absorption of satiety and minerals, conception, skin, hair, nails, memory. AlsoVitamin A, D, E, K are fat-soluble and require fat to absorbIt is important to remember things as important. Please eat vitamin D supplement with meat containing fat.

In the analysis of weight gain, the concept of 'calories' is imperfect and too simplified elements.Taking fat is not synonymous with fat. Cutting fat from steak does not prevent weight gain. Today the weight gain isIt is closely related to the production of insulinI know that.Causes a sudden rise in blood glucose levels Causes fat to get fatThe majority ofsugarIt is the cause of obesity. Fat like olive oil or pure natural butter and avocado does not raise blood glucose. These foods make it possible to convert fat to calories (heat) that is easy to use.

ByAlan Cleaver

We have an impression that we consider fat to be the root of all kinds of evil and how to reduce this is the deciding factor of diet, but this seems to be a big mistake. Knowing the number of utility of fat, it is obvious that the diet method of merely cutting fat is a mistake. It seems that a healthy way is important for both dieting and maintaining health, as it says "take good fat from good quality food". It is definitely necessary to recognize fat as friends rather than enemies.

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log