Nokia finally overwhelms Samsung 's top share in local Finland
ByRainer Stropek
Nokia, who gave the world's biggest seat to Samsung, will be deprived of the top share in Finland of home ground.Windows 8We tried to reverse the sale of terminals, etc., but it seems that Samsung's momentum did not match.
Nokian Suomi-linnake murtuu - Samsung meni ohi
Samsung unseats Nokia in home market of Finland, says IDC | The Verge
IDCAccording to the share of Finland in Finland, Nokia was 33.6%, Samsung became the top in the domestic market with 36.1%, and in the first quarter sales of Saumsung to Nokia's 196,000 units It was a result of 1,000 units.
ByKevin Hughes
Nokia won a share of 65% in local Finland in 2010 and 48% last year, even though it has reduced the figure, but it has been draining a lot against Samsung, which was 28% last year, a local figure It showed the strength of.
ByLeung Ching Yau Alex
80% of mobile devices sold to smartphone Samsung, Nokia is low end feature phoneAsha SeriesAlthough it sold to compete with smartphones, I could not clearly differentiate it from smartphones. Nokia's Windows Phone equipped smartphoneLumia seriesHe showed strong sales, but in the American market it was forced to struggle.
ByJohn Karakatsanis
Samsung is not going to loosen the offensive in the Finland market, it is Nokia's home townEspooNew toEstablish research facilitiesIt is decided that. Last year saw the world's biggest seat in the end and Nokia, which had become the former local finland finance leader to Samsung, seems to have a still more windstorm blowing.
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