Headline news on April 15, 2013

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:11 Apr 15, 2013, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

As software for Nintendo 3DS "Pazzdra ZIt is clear that it will be released in the winter of 2013. Detailed information on the game is not posted on the official website yet and will be released in the coming korocoro comics in the future.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

I can not say "It's just a pig" Living like a pig that you see abroad - GIGAZINE

Review of the 4 million pieces of glass-made Kyushu's latest work "Chara Maru - CHAMARU - Review" - GIGAZINE

"Is it a yoghurt? Tofu?" "Yoguru tofu" tasting creator that creates a strange feeling review - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
【Sad news】 Our grandpa is going to have two dishes: Momonga bulletin

"Men's toilet is doubtful in girls" 62 males disguised as school girls, invaded the girls' toilet and arrested Hyogo · Takarazuka City - MSN Sankei west

Challenging DVD Children 's Challenge - Okayura Oh - My blog can not be such a nice squid

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Data on the number of overseas students at each faculty of Kyoto University - zekipedia

Turkish woman successful in uterus transplantation for the first time in the world pregnancy with in vitro fertilization | spillover of the world | Reuters

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Painful news (No ∀ `): Neckless corpse found in Hakodate, suicide? - Livedoor blog

Painful news (No ∀ `): US Navy equipped laser ship with laser cannon, successful in shooting down unmanned aircraft cost 1 dollar - livedoor blog

Pamper yourself in the world: Nikkei Business Online

Asahi Newspaper Digital: Ishinha, Hyogo 2 Defeated in the Mayor's Election "Masaru Hashiguchi's name can not win alone" - Politics

China's bird flu infection total of 60 people expanded to Henan province, to the deceased to 13 people - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)

Taxi company former president (Mr. Masaki Aoki, Tokyo MK) "Assaulted from the back seat to the driver" video | Economic blind spot | Contemporary business [Kodansha]

Licensed drug superpower India, Swiss pharmaceutical leader accepted patent: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Second researcher who sent Junkie images to JK ... LINE Entra: News: Net & Digital: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Kamakura City Exceptional Beach Bath Naming Right to Sale NHK News

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Hypocenter, 'Unknown Active Fault' Cause or Awaji Earthquake, Researcher Confirmation - Society

Is it true that Japan's employment protection is too strict? Before private clarification of dismissal rule rules, employment reform of civil servants who do not demote is necessary | Yoichi Takahashi "Deep in News" | Contemporary Business [Kodansha]

Toryuku: Arresting fathers of junior high school girls who are talking about "Tsurubashi massacre" Remarks of intimidation against museums scheduled for exhibits related to China - livedoor Blog (blog)

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Teacher "Close your eyes and raise your hands, who did bad things this time": Kinyaki

Painful news (No ∀ `): In the history of textbooks in Japanese history, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi tyrant from the tyrant" The decree of mercy for birth is the politics of affection "- Livedoor blog

A case where Yoshio Mishima's lifetime is too spectacular: Predictive Behavior

CNN.co.jp: Divorce rapidly increased in China, the reason is ... - (1/3)

Cat keeps protecting art objects from rats since the opening: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Hanshin Electric Railway: To Umeda Station Renovation With Department Store Rebuilding - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

Asahi Shimbun Digital: 250 kinds of beers in the world Osaka · Umeda opened "museum" - Economy · Money

The result of asking a junior who is being hated to scorn and saying "Please let me have you" wwwwwwwwwwwww | Nito speed

Try changing to your exclusive pillow, it will be too sleepy and will progress | Life Huck Channel 2

Why are all girls friends? : 2ch Copipe preservation dojo

When we lost weight, the correspondence of women at work changed: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo

Chaos Chan: I'm tired of my incompetence Hey, hey hey hey

Wadamisato residents bridge on their living roads Prefecture "Withdraw" - Kumamoto's news │ Kumaichi Com

Asahi Shimbun Digital: bulk reworking of huge viaducts Construction of the unknown at the capital high - society

Mr. Hayashi - Pro theory. - / Rikunabi NEXT [change job site]

Does the employee who wants to return regularly have no motivation? A method in which "overtime" employees do not conflict with "regular workers" employees | Imadoki Workplace gap resolution method Takashiro Koji | Diamond Online

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Try Wordpress tags and archives to noindex | び ー ー ー ー ー ー っ と っ と ネ ッ ト

Why can not Rakuten overcome the Amazon? : SIer blog

High evaluation by Nico Nico Douga, work force of "video masters" to make a leap forward: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Do not trust database data? - Tokumaru Hirosa's tumblr

Notes on digi-itchi - guldeen's blog

Twitter Network Visualization - Alright

Facebook vice-breaking case examples Sales of information products using emotional episodes

Get a lot of "good" on the impressed talk, replace it with other contents at a later date

CNN.co.jp: 15-year-old girl in suicide suicide rape image diffused on the net 3 boy boys arrested

Will not Microsoft finish when Windows XP license is finished [serial: Fukuyuki Murakami] - Engineer type

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
【Okada Toshikazu's Entertainment Hilarious】 Industry startling! New business model of "Space Battleship Yamato 2199" and market development (1/5 page) - MSN Sankei west

No medicine attached to Otaru: celebration! Oarai girls' school girl championship championship national championship title! Please see how Oarai boasts in celebration mood w

Lifted person \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: [With image] The life of the first Anpanman is too tragic - Livedoor blog

The railroad geek is delighted with Mr. Haruki Murakami's new work ... The reason is ... - Sponichi Annex society

【Throb! Pretty Cure】 New calendar blond blonde blondfold at day morning ━━ (゜ ∀ ゜) ━━ !!

"What is meant by sympathy for battle girls, a sense of women in primitive sense" - Sawaako Tanizawa interview | Clippin Jam - Clippin JAM

Jojo author Araki Hirohiko's health law: philosophy news nwk

According to the story heard
I slept at 10 o'clock at night and got up at around 5 o'clock
Walking for about an hour after stretching and abdominal breathing
In the morning vegetable juice made by oneself
Lunch and fat sugar at noon, eating more vegetables, do not eat evening
I try to hobby in my hobby on off days so as not to accumulate stress
I do not see the TV at first (even if it sees the news)
I care very much for skin care

Explanation of ability of Level 5 of the prohibition wwwwwwwwww - In addition, Mandarin weaning @ J

27: Wind blowing if nothing 2013/04/14 (Sunday) 22: 09: 25.23 ID: zhmaJKSY
It is comparable to my middle two notes

39: Wind blowing if nothing 2013/04/14 (Sunday) 22: 11: 29.44 ID: f / vACwtI
Because it's worthwhile because I write out the middle two notes without throwing it out to the world

【Space Battleship Yamato 2199】 Presence of the 3rd Bridge Bridge 2 Talk Summary & New and Old Comparison

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Mr. Ryotaro Mikuni's death "NHK Stories" and "Fishing Baka Diary" NHK News

I will report it. Morikawa Yukari - Rabbit shoes / Web blog

Summary of reactions to 'High touch one ~' - Togetter

Dancing Yosakoi with a stema "Important things for magic things" | Destruction store

About the matters that Kato's daughter-in-law already has a nature | Nito speed

Intel DF Jonathan like Nara's mascot "Shin-kun": footballnet

Commando: Shuwa-chan 's immortal masterpiece dubbed a complete version Tetsuaki Genda lives a familiar name - MANTANWEB (マ ン た ん Web)

Kikuchi Hara in Hiroshima recorded 16 consecutive years of one match battle rally in the ground -

Catcher liner: [MLB] Triple play of 4-6-5-6-5-3-4 wwwwwww

Yes, let's see baseball [sad news] Fujinami, bitterly smiling at the press

【This is awful】 Sino-Japan, even you can not even play simple pinch warfare wwwwww: <中 日>: I had a pleasure to organize my own J

Nikkan's delusional article too severe Warota wwwwww «Yomiuri Giants« Nikkan Yakinamakyu @ What J

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Kirin Beverage | News Releases | Caffeine Zero's Sugarless Tea New Brand Newly Born With Only Japanese Delicious Rice! "Kirin Nippon Rice Tea" New release on May 28 (Tue)

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Headline news on 12th April 2013 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt