Headline news on June 3, 2013
You can easily draw illustrations simply by training a model and practicing it "Comic Tablet"Pilot inkWill be released on July 27th. Manga is popular among girls, and there are many voices saying "I want to be a manga artist", so it is a thing made by saying that it is a kit that can experience the manga family feeling. There are thirty patterns, and according to enclosed "Manga illustration improvement BOOK", I can practice how to draw sparkling eyes, how to balance the whole body, signs etc. The price is 3675 yen including tax.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.
I attached the "X Tape" which can change the appearance of the cardboard box just by pasting - GIGAZINE
I went to Pyongyang restaurant where a North Korean-managed "Joy set" style show is seen - GIGAZINE
A handy mysterious wilderness "Table Mountain" and other tourist attractions around Cape Town Various - GIGAZINE
"No preference for cooking utensils," Taking pretty hot cake mix "completed in 1 minute - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
Image now on Twitter wwwwwwwwwww - Golden Times
You appear on bleach and fucker lover wwwwwww: SHONEN manga breaking news
【There is image】 Kansai Local Broadcasting is the Hanshin leader and super excited wwww Blessings with Samba from 5 o'clock wwww «Hanshin Tigers« Picture Introduction «Daily Nikki Quick Report @
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Ruins and relics wood: new measurement method per year probability almost 100% - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)
Book Review "Why do not cats see the mirror?" - book reviews centered on shorebird evolutionary psychology
News - Science & Space - Risk of huge exposure to Mars travel - National Geographic Official Japanese website (NasoGio)
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
"Sell in may" chan ramped to the end, erase all the Nikkei Stock Average May rise: Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories
"Tornado pursuer" three people died Oklahoma, a discussion about safety is also - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)
Truck prawns / chickens offered at the hotel of TDR, in fact ...: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
【Economic Underworld】 Sharp hive "Zombie managers" 3000 people Requested "private car · office · secretary" even after restructuring ... Was it possible to "clean up" (1/4 page) - MSN Sankei west
Tomorrow's marketing: Think of Sharp's problem from behavioral economics
"My sister does not keep up with appeal for ..." Nikko Tamagawa Termination: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
Do not raise wages, shun young people, human resources leaked to convenience stores ... serious construction workers shortage (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei west
Mayor Yatsuo expressed opposition to Osprey "citizen's safety first priority" - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)
Osaka Gakuin University, Law School Recruitment Stop Suspension Seventh in the whole country - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)
Again, suppressing freedom of thought / creed borrowed from child pornography regulation, bill sent by the House of Representatives: PC Online
Tokyo Newspaper: Nazi lantern alarm bell Great warfare agreement on the night before the great war: society (TOKYO Web)
Information on 4,200 people, on the net ... Idemitsu Credit: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
Girls in an answering machine Aiming to repeat roughly 40 Man arrested for surrendering offense - MSN Sankei west
According to the prefectural police, from around 2005, in the western part of Osaka city such as Konohana-ku, Taisho-ku, Minato-ku, girls are often staying home at home alone, invading the house aiming for summer vacation or winter vacation, At least 40 incidents of violent cases have been confirmed. In both cases, it was a method of ringing the interphone, letting a child in an answering machine open the door saying "I came to repair water leaks", pretending to be a construction company of water supply and electricity. In the case of the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, there were cases in which they faked as "to check radiation activity".
"Store manager who can eat the crowd within 12 hours of business is two streams" (Miki Watanabe Watami Chairperson) «Merx
Asahi Newspaper Digital: comfort women issue, the United Nations Commission Recommendation "Japanese politicians deny fact" - International
An incident in the pork market? What about Smithfield being acquired by China and the Japanese market? - Market Hack
"A picture taken by a woman living in Turkey wanting to know the current state of the demo to the world is talked about overseas bulletin boards" overseas reactions | tasteless odorless drama
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
I said to her bride "I love you forever" Please say: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo
Otaku girls junior high school student's "erotic dream novel" culture
Advantages and disadvantages of privatization of the Osaka municipal subway | Yasuhiro Ota Reading the back of numbers and data | DIAMOND Harvard Business Review
【Nostalgia Slee】 The shape of a Game Boy, a fellow of a water ringing thing in the water:
Linear and sales vehicles are released on the test line Test run starts in September: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Grandfront Osaka bicycle parking space holds 827 cars in 3 places, making a bicycle park map more detailed than the official page (Umekita Square / South Building / North Building) | Osaka IT Communication
The painful news (No ∀ `): Is not" Hanko "necessary anymore? The seal importer violently protests to Mayor Chiba" The seal shop is annihilated "- Livedoor blog
The bell of the temple sounds corgi ... rainy day and wind day: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
"Young people in post-moratorium era" was the best Sogo book in 2012 among me - Book review - young people in the post-moratorium era - teacher teacher blog
It is a caliper that has such a function! : 2ch Copipe preservation dojo
Seriously suffering from hyperhidrosis - Chakama kin (¯ ^ ¯)
Electronic cigarettes, France regulatory review 3 pictures International news: AFPBB News
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Do not recommend it because it is too hard to aim for a professional blogger at Hatena - drifters of the information's sea
Asahi Shimbun Digital: arrested two suspected suspicious men who took prostitution through LINE - society
After the arrest of the blogger "Malware trap": Vietnam «WIRED.jp
A Vietnamese reporter who wrote a blog post critical of the government arrested. After that, a trap that tricks malware to the computer that accessed the blog was structured. It is unclear whether it is for not bringing people close to a blog or for monitoring.
Unfortunately, at the same bit rate, the difference is totally unknown at all. I tried to display each graph by switching it like animation, but there is only a slight difference, and it is almost the same as the state of fine unevenness.
About the beautiful girl appearing on the uninstall screen of Baidu IME | Baidu Japan Blog
Painful news (No ∀`): High quality image "8K" broadcast from 420 though still 4K ... from NHK - live doors blog
Actual condition of online shopping site that buys and sells drugs and weapons ─ ─ 50 news of the world to be known by Japanese «GQ JAPAN
[Reading attention] Those who have stopped speaking from January 1, 2009 ... .... - Togetter
I abandoned the annual income of 40 million yen and turned to VB: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Attempt to watch a video at a terminal - diary of moriyoshi
Since the abolition of Google reader is also near, I installed a button for Feedly registration on my blog. | Jonathan Blog
As a result of weakness trying to dual boot Linux and Windows wwww: Gadget 2 ch - 2 Channel 2 Summary -
Is the era of "error 451" coming? «Magazine navigation [k ??]
Improve Web drawing performance | Cacoo Blog
What is the power of the 4th generation Core + 11ac? ── LaVie L (LL 850 / MS) Performance Check (3/3) - ITmedia PC USER
The throughput measured by iperf is 183 Mbps for 802.11 ac connection and 31.9 Mbps for 802.11 n connection.
Looking at MattCutts's video, I think that the future battlefield of Google and spammers is here - WEB strategy portal
600 employees, Apple, the world's most innovative company aligning with Google, Idea of IDEO idea - IDEO Liang · Sangjin Japan representative · Net Year group Ishiguro Fuji Company president 【Part 1】 | Ishiguro Fujiki arbitrarily Reform proposal! Nippon's New Education | Diamond Online
In the evening, Mr. Katsuma's "KDP Complete Guide" event lit its heart | Lifehacking.jp
Miscalculation windows 8 close to Microsoft Microsoft: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Business Media Makoto: Current affairs of Kamio Hisashi Sunrise: Is it a mission to introduce iPhone? - Efficacy and Challenges of Docomo "Two-Tip Strategy" (1/3)
The 5 th: Thorough analysis of Yahoo! Topics - Why "Topical news" is born: Nikkei Business Online
The second: Daisuke Sasaki (Executive Officer, LINE Corporation) 1/5 | Interview series "Editor in the future" | dotPlace (α)
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Tamayura - Ah regrettable - PV 1 - YouTube
TV animation "Free!" 2nd PV - Tachibana Makoto ver.- - YouTube
TV animation "Free!" PV 2nd bullet - Yurase Haru ver. - - YouTube
Theater version "We do not know the name of the flower we saw that day." Theme song decision - YouTube
"THE IDOLM @ STER MUSIC FESTIV @ L OF WINTER !!" digest video - YouTube
Capcom Inc. | Capcom, "Monster Hunter 4" release date determined!
Decided on 14th September 2013.
Library war, flying public relations room ... Writer · Hiroshi Arikawa's reasons for being: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Moe! My painful car ... ... 300 units: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Mourning Mr. Kazuro Morita | Shogi editorial department
The pioneer of computer shogi · Mr. Kazuo Morita was died on 27th July 2012 It is reported in the 5th issue of Weekly Shogi and the July issue of Shogi.
Mr. Morita's memorial - UEI shi 3 z's diary
Bureau not relaying baseball stations wwwww: Insane @ Nan J
11: Wind blowing If anonymous Posted on: 2013/06/01 (Sat) 02: 57: 17.10 ID: a3FTQKu1
Anji ground digital terrestrial digital broadcasting station that does not make use of sub ch
I used NHK and Tokyo MX properly
17: Wind blowing If anonymous Post Date: 2013/06/01 (Sat) 03: 00: 48.62 ID: uyYS4jjR
Sekirei also extended television like multi-channel like TV Osaka
【Sad news】 Exchange war ranking, finally Celieg monopolizes the lower rank (7th to 12th) wwwww «N« Daily Nikki Quick Report @
Hawk @ Hawks Summary Blog: Which fans are saying
Yesterday's Mori Fuku's vs. Torigaya pitching time wwwwwww | I feel the Tora Soul @ Nan J
Kato Kosuke is a struggling baseball player.
How many jejutsu go out: (● ▲ ●) "● ▲ ●● ▲ ●● ▲ ●● ▲ ●● ▲ ●● ▲"
Yesterday I went to K stadium Wowolta wwwwwww «Picture intention« Daily publication ___ REQUIRED ___ ___ 0
Lady person \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: To the "prohibition of celebration" of young man Police officer, "blockade" scramble intersection in front of Shibuya station To prevent confusion of the World Cup 4 nights - livedoor blog
Painful news (No ∀ `): Fuji 's docky plan, Kimishi 110 → → talk about absolutely a telop as" talk to the police in advance "topic - livedoor blog
249: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/06/03 (Monday) 13: 11: 20.86 ID: O7s6 XmI60
It is normal for Mr. Koshiaki's response, what kind of behavior did the staff think about w
Is not it impossible to think that viewers or performers understand their behavior or understand them?
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Raisins and white chocolates will appreciate the real desert chocolat! "Holo Hollow Necro Duel Melting Raisin White" New Release
Start Launching LaVie L from June 6, VALUESTAR L VL 750 / MSW from June 27: NEC Personal Computer
· Previous headline
Headline news on May 31, 2013 - GIGAZINE
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