A mail service "origami mail" that can send a message folded like an origami

I write illustrations and messages using a mouse, and a mail service that can be folded like a origami is "Origami mail"is. Since it is possible to specify the date and time to send mail, it can be used as a greeting card, so I tried using it actually.

Origami mail

To create origami e-mails, first click on "send origami e-mail".

A blank origami and palette was displayed.

From the left palette you can choose the color of the paper on the side to write the message.

The color on the back can be selected for the right palette. This is not only color, there are also patterns for a limited time only.

Click the arrow at the right end of the screen when you are done. After selecting "Color Selection" "Writing Messages" "Folding Origami", we will push the arrows in this way and proceed to the next.

Next is the task of writing a message. Click "Draw with mouse" in the menu.

We choose the thickness and color of the brush and draw it on paper with the mouse.

Eraser also has various sizes, large and small.

By choosing "Hit with keyboard", the font was designed to let you freely choose what is inside your PC.

You can choose colors and colors.

When you write a message in the text box, a letter appeared at the upper left of the origami.

Messages can also be dragged with the mouse to change the position.

It is also possible to change the size of characters.

When you are satisfied with the size and position click "Confirm keyboard input".

And then the work to fold origami. It is not more than ten times that you can break origami.

While moving the position of the dotted line with the cursor, click to add a crease.

When I continued clicking, the message "I can not break more than 10 times" is displayed.

Finally, enter your email address, destination address, and so on.

You can also specify the date and time to send the message.

When you press the arrow at the right end of the screen, the message "Do you want to send?" Appears, click "Send".

Actually, the mail arrived like this. Click the link that is mentioned.

Then the image of origami folded collapsed is displayed.

Click on origami and keep opening more and more.

And ...

A message was displayed successfully.

In addition, when sent to a mobile phone, how to fold is not reproduced, and even on PCs it may be judged as spam mail, so it is necessary to be careful.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log