Physicists develop machines that only take out cookies from Oreo


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Oreo is a place where discussions are divided between cookie and cream school, but physicists who made machines to remove only cookies except for cream from oreo with a strong desire "I want to eat only cookies! The movie is published on YouTube.

OREO Separator Machine # 1 - Creator: Physicist David Neevel - YouTube

This is the physicist who made the OREO Separator MachineDavid NeevelMr. Neevel is a solid Oreo cookie.

This means that cream is unnecessary, and this is the machine that we made to take out only cookies.

Looking from the side like this.

How to use, put the oreo on the table first.

Switch on.

Then the machine grasped the oleo on the table.

Move Oreo onto the machine body.

When the two plates sandwich the oreo, it is ready.

Neevel watches with a serious look.

Ono slowly lowered, Oreo divided in half.

It was split into two pieces.

Then, Oreo will be moved again to the next stage.

When Oreo was divided into two pieces, cream remained in the machine.

Oreo gently on the table.

The part to remove the cream will start next.

The cream is gradually peeled off little by little.

Machines will come and go on 2 Oreo side by side.

It peeled cleanly.

It was said that it took three months to consume a mountain-like amount of ore on the machine's production.

Neevel working until late at night.

I use the compass to measure the diameter of Oreo.

Various attempts were made before the machine was completed. Below is the appearance that the oleo is being heated with a burner.

Melamella and it is burning.

The cream melted but the brittle Oleo remained on the cream.

Work drawing a blueprint and ideas on the windowpane of the car.

Repeating such generous efforts and setbacks, the OREO Separator Machine was finally completed.

So I will look at the state of the work from the top of the machine. Switch on first.

I will put Oreo on the table.

Then the arm grips Oreo and moves it to the top of the body.

Ono cuts the oleos sandwiched between the two boards.

It was divided into two cookies.

Move further.

Return to the base again.

The cream on Oreo will be scattered more and more.

The table tilted, Oreo flowed into my hands.

No cream. Only two black cookies were completed.


It was Neevel 's blessing that "Well, delicious".

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log