LINE ID search will be unavailable under the age of 18, first from au Android
"LINE prohibits the use for the purpose of encountering strange sex in the terms of use, but unveils the LINE ID to a website or application that anyone can use, such as an unauthorized bulletin board and so on The number of cases of becoming friends with people and LINE has increased.This use may develop into unexpected trouble.So there, in order to protect everyone of LINE users under the age of 18 from trouble in advance, the partner In cooperation with the company KDDI, those under the age of 18 will not be able to use the ID setting and ID search of LINE ", so that it is not possible for people under the age of 18 to be able to search for IDs using the LINE formula It was announced on the blog.
Additional notes:
Initially it was announced as a minor (under 20 years old), but it was said that it was an error of "under 18 years old". The expression in the article has also been corrected.
For youth protection users under the age of 18 will not be able to use LINE ID search (initially responding by au users): LINE official blog

Firstly, from December 20 th (Thu) 2012, users under the age of 18 using LINE on au (KDDI) Android terminal will not be able to use ID search. Actually it seems to change as follows.
◆ Responding to users under the age of 18
· Stop using ID search
· Minor (under 18 years old) ID search of user does not appear in search result
· Privacy control [Allow ID search] is automatically changed to OFF setting
The mechanism of how to distinguish it as under 18 years of age is as follows, "KDDI judges the age based on the birth date information at the time of terminal contract held by KDDI, if it is an underage It stops using the function related to ID search ", so it is not possible to do anything with the setting.
◆ How to determine minor users
· Stop the function related to ID search of all users using LINE on au's Android terminal
· When a new user is registered, when an existing user uses a function related to ID, the "Age Authentication" screen is displayed and select "Age Authentication"
· We judge age based on birth date information at terminal contract held by KDDI, and stop using the function related to ID search if it is under 18 years old. Available if you are over 18 years old.
· If you select "Cancel" on the "Age Authentication" screen, the function related to ID search can not be used regardless of age.
· After updating to LINE 3.4.0 version of Android version, setting of 'Allow ID search' is turned off automatically even for adults (18 years old and over). If you want to turn on, you must always do "age authentication".
· As a result of age authentication, it is impossible for a user identified as under 18 to cancel ID search function stop
What about users under the age of 18 is that the official blog says, "Everyone under the age of 18 can meet people who actually meet and add friends to their friends" Furu It is recommended that you exchange the phone number after doing a telephone directory cooperation "function or" It is recommended. "
"We are not covered by au's iPhone (iOS) terminal and mobile phone companies other than au (softbank · docomo)" at this time, "but in the future we will collaborate with mobile phone companies other than KDDI Because it is also written that "It is planned to be installed", users under 18 years of age other than Android of au (KDDI) seem to be out soon.
Regarding the search restriction of this time, the following tweet search results of the official blog page shows that it is considerably fierce repulsion, after 2 hours since this information was posted, it has already been retweeted more than 10,000 times It is.
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