Morinaga milk caramel made potato chips "milk caramel potato chips" taste review
Milky and thick Morinaga featuring sweetnessMilk caramelHas become potato chips and appeared. It is said that the potato chips that imagined the taste of milk caramel are finished in an exquisite balance with a good salty taste, but I decided to actually check what it is like.
Milk caramel potato chips │ snacks | Morinaga
The package looks something like this.
When looking side by side with the bag version of Morinaga milk caramel, it looks exactly like it.
It seems that salty taste is characteristic, but expecting what kind of taste it is with milk caramel + salty.
The raw material looks like this, with the flavor of milk caramel with sugar, fragrance (from milk), flavor (stevia, sucralose).
The energy per bag (60 grams) is 327 kilocalories.
When you open the bag, a sweet scent like butter drifts.
This potato chip isWashed beefWe are said to have been born through joint development with Sanyo confectionery Co.,
When it comes into the mouth, the flavor of potato comes first, then the sweetness of sugar spreads, the last is also a strange feeling that the taste of potato is felt and the salty remains in the finish. It is felt independent rather than mixing each taste. For example, if it is a composition of taste like Happy Turn, there is also sweetness and salty, and the contents which can also feel the fragrant flavor of potato.
Compared with eating with milk caramel, the rich sweetness which is the most characteristic is weak, and if you do not say you do not know that it is imagining the taste of milk caramel. Although it is certainly interesting as a taste, if intense sweetness reproduces the taste of Uri Morinaga milk caramel, feeling that it was good even if you made a little more caramel flavor, such as caramel coating I will.
Still, because sweetness, salty, and the flavor of potatoes were all felt well, it is ant to enjoy as a snack.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log