A carbon fiber-made terminator-like prosthetic hand "bebionic 3" that can also drive, typing, and egg break

It is possible to carry out detailed work by advancement of technologyMechanic prosthesisAlthough it has come to be made, it works in response to the movement of the muscles of his / her armsCarbon fiberTerminator-like prosthetic hand made "Bebionic 3"Was developed. The grip pattern is14 kindsYes, the speed to move your fingersControllableis.

Nigel Ackland - bebionic

The way the actual prosthesis is moving is as follows.

'Terminator' arm is world's most advanced prosthetic limb - YouTube

This is Nigel Ackland who is using bebionic. Nigel was caught up in the factory machine and lost his right arm while at work. Although I tried to put a prosthetic hand several times, because I could not find a satisfactory thing just because it did not work properly or apparently knocked down, I challenged "bebionic v2". It is a mechanic prosthesis made of carbon fiber and moves in response to Nigel's muscles.

Currently using "bebionic 3" which further evolved v2. A sensor is attached to the outside of the arm.

When pushing the sensor, the palm of the hand opened slowly with mechanical sound.

On the contrary, pressing the sensor inside the arm slowly holds the fist.

Normally it responds to the muscles of the base of the prosthetic hand so that the arm, palm and fingers will move.

Changing the direction of your thumb with your left hand ... ...

You can also grab things.

Although I changed the prosthesis many times, the current prosthesis is functional and the appearance is not too realistic, Nigel seems to like it very much.

Looking from the side it looks like this.

Round the fingers.

It is also possible to stand only the index finger.

If you turn your hands, you can even type.

Because it moves to the fingertip, you can also indicate "Come this way" with your index finger with your palm up.

This is a state of normal that pulls out power. My fingers are lightly rounded.

The action of clicking the mouse when moving the index finger.

To show what I can do, Nigel actually standing in the kitchen

Take the egg out of the pack.

Hit the egg on the border of the ball with your left hand and divide it by the power. The prosthetic hand is holding the hand on the shell.

One more. Keep your fingertip close to the egg ... ...

I grasp it with my fingers firmly.

The second one was also broken without problems.

Next I will grasp the bottle of beer firmly.

Open cork with a left hand with a bottle opener.

Pour beer into the glass with the artificial hand.

While watching television, it is possible to spend a relaxing time on beer.

Other than that, shopping and driving of cars can be done without any problems, Nigel says, "I feel like I could return to humans once more thanks to this artificial prosthesis.I have not spared the phone for the last 5 years, I could not hold someone's hand or wash my left hand, but now it is possible! Of course it's not really functional, but psychological pleasure is immeasurable. " It is.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log