Tea bag illustration changes when put in hot water Tea

For teaIt has the effect of increasing concentration ability and reducing fatigueSome research results have come out, and sometimes feelings calm down just by drinking warm tea between busy times. Plus the elements of vision to relax by such tea, the concept design to further enhance the effect "Boh Tea + Calm in a Cup". Illustrations such as bearish bears and thunderstorms are tea bags drawn with black tea ink, but when put in hot water, the ink melts out, and a round and peaceful illustration emerges.

Boh Tea + Calm in a Cup

The way the illustration drawn on the tea bag changes can be seen from the movie below.

Boh Tea Bags

"Boh Tea + Calm in a Cup" that was busy for work and study, and made for the modern people who are chased by the day,

Even this and also this, if the condition like a mountain keeps doing, it will be on the verge of panic.

There is tea as an item to take a break in those days.

Because I am busy, when I drink tea ......

The feeling calms down, the task of day to day becomes easy to recover.

Boh Tea + Calm in a Cup plus a visual element for such a relaxing effect of tea. It is a simple and sophisticated box that contains tea bags.

The inside tea bag looks like this. The thoroughly image of each is drawn with black tea ink.

For example, a tea bag with birds with big feathers or sharp beak ... ...

I will put it in hot water.

Hikawa ~ and black tea ink will spread in hot water.

Then, the bird that was a form was a bird with a round silhouette.

There are other illustrations. Thunderclouds ......

To a fluffy cloud.

Burning flames ......

It became a low heat.

Volcanic eruption ... ...

I feel like I can hike.

Speech bubbles that are spinning ......

Change to a round balloon.

A ferocious bear ......

To a bear in a forest with a smile.

It is an attempt to see the state that the illustrations turned into a round one when the mind quickly gets hurt, making the tea time for relaxing more effective.

Tea is sedativechamomiletea. It has the effect of stabilizing the spirit.

Boh Tea + Calm in a Cup is a tea brandBOHOne of the advertisements, designed by Neil Leslie. Advertisement was conducted in Malaysia, but not only in Malaysia but also in various countries around the worldWon an award... apparently ...

in Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log