New style to let you escape by leaving the captured opponent "tackle"
A tool that can contain the movement of opponents transmitted from the Edo periodTo speakOriginally it is a tool to grab an abuse and the like, but if we encapsulate the opponent's movement in a stupid way, it is the new type let's let it escape by leaving the opponent captured as it is "Tackle"is. A comprehensive exhibition on crisis management covering a wide range of products, technologies and services related to crisis managementCrisis Management Industry Exhibition(RISCON TOKYO) 2012 ", the real thing was exhibited, so I took a picture of the actual use.
Spoofing tackle
Set the total length to 1750 mm so that you can keep enough distance with the violence. It is made of aluminum alloy and weighs 1.8 kg, making it a treatable weight for women.
The maximum width of the wheel is 800 mm.
To avoid slipping, grip is attached to the part of the handle.
Once closed, the spokesperson is not released even if pulled forcefully, but it is easy to open the ring when pushing up the release lever attached at a distance not reachable from the violence.
Stand it ... ...
When pressing the presser foot against the opponent's torso, the ring closes and you can catch the other firmly. The length of the handle is 1580 mm, it is possible to take enough distance from the opponent.
On the back, the arms intersect.
Since it is impossible to fix the original stranger to the asshole, it is necessary to keep the opponent down until the person comes, but the spoofing tackle grabs the other party and does not separate it. So, you can leave the opponent who is difficult to move and escape as it is. In addition, the price is 38,800 yen by tax.
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in Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log