A project that jumps at supersonic speed from the altitude of more than 30,000 meters to the ground will be implemented on October 14
A project that jumps off the stratosphere at an altitude of 120 thousand feet (36,576 m), falls free, breaks down the speed of sound and aims at the ground "Red Bull StratosIt will be carried out on 14th October local time.
Red Bull Stratos :: Red Bull
It is the Austrian who challenges this projectFelix · Baum GartnerSan (43 years old).
The plan is to launch a capsule carrying Baum Gardner with a huge balloon, move to the stratosphere (altitude 35,576 m), and free fall (free fall) from there. At this altitude there is almost no barometric pressure, and although it is not perfect vacuum, breathable air molecules are so few that it is an impermissible area without a pressurized environment suitable for humans, so capsules and space suit are dangerous It is designed to minimize sex.
A CG movie that outlines the plan is here.
Supersonic Freefall - Red Bull Stratos CGI - YouTube
When falling in the 0% air density area, the sound speed reaches approximately 100,000 feet (3480 m). With this altitude, due to the temperature difference from the sea levelMach1 is 1100 km / h, Baum Gardner is expected to rush into supersonic speed through the speed of sound. As the fall continues, the air density eventually begins to increase, so deceleration begins, the slowest per 5000 feet (1524 m) of ground, the parachute opens.
The capsule launch was initially planned on October 8, but it was postponed to October 9 due to the passage of the cold front with strong winds. On October 9th we were ready for launch and Baum Gardner was getting into the capsule, but as the strong wind blew off the balloon for launch was blown,Re-postponement is decided immediately before launch. Again, I decided to challenge on October 14th.
Mr. Baum Gardner who is ready to wear space suit
Here is a balloon for launch
It seems that astronauts are watching where they depart. After this, cancel was decided.
For testing of jumping, Mr. Baum Gardner who jumps from a helicopter
When this is done, it is said to be "a manned balloon flight of the highest altitude", "skydiving from the highest altitude" "free fall of the first human being across the sound speed barrier" "free fall of the longest time (about 5 minutes 30 seconds)" Four world new records will be achieved.
The state of free fall is supposed to be completely live on the following site etc.
Live Broadcast | Red Bull Stratos
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