On Wednesday, September 5 (Wednesday) at 11 am, approximately 3.5 million mobile phones ring simultaneously even in silent mode "Osaka 8.8 million training"

"Even if you are in silent mode (unless you turn off the power), all the mobile phones around you will ring all at once", training on emergency earthquake bulletin at 11:00 am on September 5, 2012, disaster prevention administrative radio It is decided that a large-scale training will be carried out at the same time.

Osaka / Osaka 8.8 million training

The posters pasted here and there in Osaka prefecture are like this

According to the official website of Osaka prefecture, "Training Emergency Earthquake Early Warning", which is transmitted as a signal to start training at the mobile phone in Osaka Prefecture at 11:00 am on training day, is a "disaster · Evacuation information "is used," I estimate that if 3.50 million mobile phones in Osaka prefecture, about 3.5 million will ring all together. "

The explanation page of each mobile phone carrier is as follows.

Emergency bulletin "Area Mail" | Services · Functions | NTT DoCoMo

Emergency Bulletin Mail | Disaster / Emergency Measures | au

Emergency Bulletin Mail (Earthquake Early Warning + Disaster / Evacuation Information): Service | SOFTBANK MOBILE

As to why this kind of thing can be done, we have contracted "disaster / evacuation information" distribution service between each mobile phone company and Osaka prefecture, and information on disasters and evacuation is sent from Osaka prefecture to Osaka prefecture Because it is designed to be able to deliver directly to the area mail / emergency bulletin-enabled mobile phone terminal at

What will happen to the terminal that received 'disaster / evacuation information', will be forced to ring even if you are in silent mode unless you are talking on or off. Therefore, in Osaka prefecture, we inform you that "Please turn off the power beforehand if mobile phones should not ring during class, during the ceremony, ceremonial, movie theater, library etc".

Also, "If you are driving a car, it is dangerous to concentrate on driving even if there is an emergency bulletin mail / area mail, so please do not operate mobile phones absolutely", by chance this time It seems to ring even if you are running Osaka prefecture to the obi.

Furthermore, in order to distribute "disaster / evacuation information" for the Osaka prefecture, terminals near the border with other prefectures may ring even outside Osaka Prefecture.

In addition, the sentence of the mail to be sent has already been released with the following feeling and should arrive at 11:00 am on September 5 (Wednesday).

Drill_mail [Word file / 22 KB]

Training mail (docomo au SOFTBANK common)

Subject: Training report DRILL (Osaka)
Contents: Training. Training. Osaka prefecture will begin training 8.8 million Osaka people. Think about what happened when the earthquake actually occurred. This mail is a report for training, it is not an actual disaster. On behalf of the DISASTER DRILL executive committee, we are disseminating from Osaka prefecture.
In the event of a real disaster, please secure yourself and evacuate to designated designated shelters based on appropriate information.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse