Caffeinated juice extracted from coffee "Starbucks Refreshers" tasting review

Two bird drinks with one stone that will heal summer's body with coldness and make the head clearer even by caffeine "Starbucks Refreshers"(Short: 380 yen including tax, Tall: 420 yen including tax, Grande: 460 yen including tax, Venti: 500 yen including tax). There are two kinds of taste, a beautiful color spreading from blackberry's pulp and a fruity taste "Beverage Berry Berry Hibiscus"Of refreshing refreshing brought about by the scent and sourness of limeBeverage Cool Lime"Both contain caffeine extracted from green coffee before roasting.

"Starbucks Refreshers Beverage Berry Berry Hibiscus" "Starbucks Refreshers Beverage Cool Lime" - A completely new refresh experience born from green coffee -

Arrived at the shop.

As I was unable to recite this long spell successfully when ordering "Starbucks Refreshers Beverage Berry Berry Hibiscus" and "Starbucks Refreshers Beverage Cool Lime", "Hibiscus guy and lime guy Please tell me ... "

I seemed to understand my order properly, I am relieved. You can see the barista shake the shaker with the juice and flesh, ice, it makes me feel somewhat luxurious.

By doing this, the drink is rapidly cooled at a stretch, and the flavor and aroma of the material are extracted to the maximum. The sound shaken by the shakershaka and the ice echoes in the store with a sharp sound.

Here is completed. It contains caffeine extracted from green coffee before roasting and it has refreshing effect.

First of all, Venti size of "Beverly Berry Berry Hibiscus" which made a vivid red color.

You can see something rugged and flesh, but this is Blackberry.

It is said that caffeine extracted from green coffee is contained, but there is no bitterness, fruity taste which the sweet and sourness of blackberry has melted out. Temperature on this day was over 30 degrees Celsius, but with the feeling that the body will be lighter by the coldness and sweet and sourness, it feels perfect for a baste-like body.

Black berry with bubble wrap sensation is more acid than sweetness and it makes me crisp again. There are about six grains of this size and it feels like I am enjoying a little dessert.

Here is Grande size of "Beverage Cool Lime".

It is pale as sheer, refreshing as it looks.

The smell of lime is faintly felt when approaching.

"Beverage berry berry hibiscus" is a rich taste due to the fact that the flesh is rusty, but "Beverage Cool Lime" here has a light taste sour taste and refreshing taste. I'd like to order this place from time to time, "I'm exhausted from the heat, nothing passes through the nods ...".

The content of contained caffeine is as follows.

◆ "Beverly Berry Berry Hibiscus"
Short: 25.9 milligrams
· Tall: 42.3 milligrams
Grande: 56.4 milligrams
· Venti: 70.5 milligrams

◆ "Beverage Cool Lime"
· Short: 25.3 milligrams
· Tall: 41.4 milligrams
· Grande: 55.2 milligrams
· Venti: 69.0 milligrams

It is less than caffeine contained in coffee, but when you want a little refreshing change it is recommended to add sweetness and sourness of fruits.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log