Linux developers Linus Torvalds stabbed the middle finger against NVIDIA and made F word

Mr. Linus Torvalds, who is known as the developer of the Linux kernel, gave a lecture for college students in his home country of Finland, and there was a curtain that felt dissatisfaction with NVIDIA in the question and answer session.

Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds [Full-length] - YouTube

Linus Torvalds on NVIDIA's non-Linux Optimus support: "F *** you" - Neowin

This is the FinnishAalto UniversityIt is a picture when Mr. Linus Torvalds participated in the event "Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds" which was held in.

Mr. Torvalds, who appeared as a guest, is enjoying talking with students.

In the question and answer session,Nvidia's Optimus technologyEven if I try to run Linux on a loaded notebook PC, it does not work, but what about support? "Torvalds was talked to.

"I was aware of that, I am glad that I got the opportunity to talk like this," Mr. Torvalds said.

According to Torvalds, NVIDIA said it was the worst company among trading companies, and since NVIDIA began selling Tegra mobile chips towards Android-powered smartphones and tablets, NVIDIA changed its attitude towards Linux I got it. Torvalds thinks that NVIDIA will not change this attitude in the future.

Then check the camera position ......

Mr. Torvalds pushed the middle finger "NVIDIA, fuck you!"

The meeting applauded this.

Because it is a private place, it is not the real intention that leaked out, this is the word that I bothered to mention with the camera eyes. Mr. Torvalds's anger seems to come.

in Software,   Video, Posted by logc_nt