What will happen if you burglar thoroughly in New York?

It is a movie when I tried to take out a cutter, a spanner, or an electric saw to steal a bicycle, and experiment what it is going on. Although I looked at the suspicious behavior which is not the owner of the bicycle anyhow, I attempted to do why someone informs me or warns him ....

Bike Thief 2012 - YouTube

At 1 o'clock in the day, a dazzling emerging man appeared on the street corner.

Crouching down and disconnecting the chain lock with gossos and saws.

Completed work in 6 minutes without being blamed, and escaped with the stolen bicycle. There were 19 people passers-by.

By the way, the couple was sitting on the bench behind the fence where the bicycle was stopped, but there is no particular reaction.

Now turn the lock with a wrench

Work is completed in just 2 minutes

Because there were few passers-by, getting away easily

I steal the stealing here with my friend

I will continue with a big chain cutter

The child looked down at the chilla and diverted his gaze.

Completed escape in 4 minutes

At the end, I raise the difficulty level and aim for the bicycle stopped at the exit of the subway. Besides, the tool was powered from electric powered saw and sunglasses, 100% came to be a suspicious person whatever you see from anywhere.

The machine sound sounds crackling, and some people stop their legs as expected. But just stop the foot.

The police patrol car there ... ...

Nine minutes after the start of the work, I asked the police officer a duty of duty, "Please leave the weapon in my hands".

"Actually I was watching the reaction as to what everyone would do when I saw a bicycle thief in the planning of a newspaper," he finally cheated. There were five police officers, but he seems to have never caught a bicycle thief so far as anyone ... ....

IncidentallyThis project has also been held in 2005In that case the reaction was staggering. The following is the movie of that time.

Bike thief - YouTube

I try to destroy the chain all the time in front of the World Trade Center, but nobody will stop it.

At last I thought that someone who is calling me ...... It taught me the trick, "This one can get out soon". How hell ... ....

in Ride,   Video, Posted by logc_nt