Shinji Mizushima × Shimji Mizushima × Original work of TOEI ANIMATION "Exile paradise"
"Mobile Suit Gundam 00" "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" director Shuji Mizushima and "Magical Girl Madoka ☆ Magica" Mr. Imaginary Gen Xuan combine tags, making the "one piece" and "pre-cure" series in the original It seems that Toei Animation and Nitroplus of "Sonimi" and "Demonbain" join and are proceeding with a new project.
"Exposed paradise - Expired From Paradaise-" Original Cinema Project
Expelled from Paradise | Facebook
Toei animation booth of Tokyo International Anime Fair, because it is only one panel, it tends to miss ......
"Expelling paradiseThe original title is Nitroplus and Toei Animation. It seems that the screenplay is Mr. Kabuchi Gen, and the director is Seiji Mizushima.
Whether it was a hint, some small photos were stuck on the side. Is this a river ...?
People's back ... ....?
Apparently, it seems that the process of how to make the paper used in this "expulsion of paradise" panel is written.
By the way, although Toei animation is in production, it is not written that it is "animated movie" anywhere, what kind of movie is it?
·Additional Information
In March 2014, an event was held where Miyajima Shiji director Keshiro Genro attended and talked about the work. Screening starts on Shinjuku Baltic 9 and others from November 15 (Sat) 2014.
What is the first movie version of the original work "Exclusion of paradise" for Shimbun Kuzumi / Mizushima Shiji
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