A movie capturing the massive explosion of the arsenal, the huge shock wave and the mushroom cloud

In Central Africa Brazaville in the capital of the Republic of the CongoExplosive arms depot, At least 213 people died, glasses of the building in the city collapsed and shattered by shock waves, buildings were blown off, and many injured people were out. The moment of the explosion is the movie below.

[HD] Brazzaville Arms Depot Congo Blast 200 Dead - YouTube

Just before the explosion

And a big explosion

Shockwaves will proceed from left to right immediately after this

Explosive smoke rising

Building collapsed by shock wave

Injured people rush to hospital

Glass is also shattered.

The following movies briefly summarize the situation at the time of the explosion and the subsequent.

Esplosioni blast a Brazzaville, sale a 200 il numero dei morti. CSF Rieti - YouTube

You can also see a huge mushroom cloud in the following movies.

Brazzaville: explosions meurtrières dans un dépôt de munitions - YouTube

Furthermore, the state of the capital after the explosion is well understood in the following movie.

Explosion Brazzaville - Collège du quartier Mpila.wmv - YouTube

in Video, Posted by darkhorse