In the flood of Thailand remodeled motorcycle that blows up is quite amazing

Thai citizens who adapt strongly and adapt themselves in the floods and send their daily lives with utmost power has given the impression of a brilliant impression, but this motorcycle is also quite amazing.

Floating bike for Thai flooding situation.wmv - YouTube

Dressing up


This is one ......

Poly tank equipment


What are they?

But ....

U-turn, where are you going?



I returned safely as if nothing had happened

On the other hand, the next motorcycle is supposed to be more awesome.

Motorcycle in the water - YouTube

Completely submerged

Why are they moving to submerge ... ...

The bike that reveals the whole picture at last

If you look closely it will be after the restoration.

Even so, it exceeds degree

ざ ば ぁ ぁ ぁ

What exactly is that

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse