Off road movie to break through the road swallowed completely in a puddle


It is cool to go swiftly while raising a splash without worrying about the place where it is wearing somewhat, but it is dangerous to be honest in a case where it is completely submerged. However, it is such a big adventure movie that I want to do such a thing once.

Real offroading - YouTube

A man on a Toyota Land Cruiser

I will thrust in the puddle with the baby carriage

The depth is quite good ......

If you notice it, you are being thrown to the left a little.

Another car came from the back, but he hesitated a bit to continue.

It seems to be backing up, but it does not work quite as expected.

Relaxed turning direction

As we go further forward ... ...

A car that was somewhat sinking so far is almost horizontal.

It seems he was able to ride normally and run

Arrived on the opposite shore while cheering from my colleagues

However, as I opened the window, it seems that the interior of the car was flooded considerably.

Since it is dangerous, you should not do money, but I'd like to try to do this kind of thing once.

in Ride,   Video, Posted by logc_nt