News center "Aaratasu" of Nikkei, Asahi, Yomiuri 3 companies finished, strengthen cooperation system of 3 companies
On January 31, 2008, a news site which can compare the one-page articles and editorials of three papers of the Nikkei Newspaper, the Asahi Newspaper and the Yomiuri Newspaper"New s Shitara" startsDid. It was a pretty epoch-making attempt to cooperate with rival newspaper companies to do a comparison site, but it became clear that this "Ara Tadasu" ends in the spring of 2012.
Compared to one side: New s New Yodo (Nikkei, Asahi, Yomiuri)
According to the announcement of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., Asahi Newspaper Co., Ltd., Yomiuri Shimbun Inc., and the Yomiuri Shimbun Group headquarters, the three companies will strengthen their cooperation system and explore the possibility of a more agile collaboration system by the spring of 2012 It is said that "ANY Liaison Council" will be newly established.
Along with this, "Nikkei · Asahi · Yomiuri Internet business association" will take over the role to the Liaison Committee and therefore will be dissolved at the same time. The comparison comparison site "Aaratasu" also ended, and on Facebook it said that "I want to say something for Aatanashi student!" Will be renewed.
Facebook "Elemental school students want to say!" Is a place for students to interact, which began in June 2011. College students and graduate students are discussing daily news and media about their real names and college students and graduate students are discussing it. Users currently have about 20,000 people and 15 million impressions a month.
Aaruto | Facebook
Up to now, the cooperative relationship of each company has been built for each project and project, but this time, we set up the ANY Liaison Committee to unify this cooperation relationship. The three companies, Asahi, Nikkei, and Yomiuri, respond swiftly and effectively to changes in the environment surrounding the newspaper industry, and will move to further develop the newspaper business.
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in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt