"Kage" "swamp" can play, the official website of the movie a villain machine appeared

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Manga by Mr. Nobuyuki Fukumoto"Betting Apocalypse Kaiji"The second movie of series"Kaiji 2 Life Robbery Game"From the official website of, it became possible to play the villain pachinko "swamp" that also appears during the play.

In the original, "a swamp" that a mechanism that does not hit anything other than the person chosen by the store, such as "the wall of the air blows out from the perimeter hole by the operation on the shop side" Even on the official website I tried playing at once, because that was extremely evil for the first time.

"Kaiji 2 life recruitment game" official website

In order to play in the "swamp" you need to visit the menu "About the Movie" in the official website and collect pachinko balls.

One pachinko ball is put in each corner of "About the Movie", and collecting all the balls will make it possible to play 'Swamp'.

This is the menu page.

When you move to the page of each corner, you get the balls.

The ball you got will be stocked in the upper left of the screen.

If you collect all five balls you get cards for 10 million yen that you can use in the game. With this you can play with "swamp".

When returning to the top page, the link to "swamp" is shining.

"Swamp" is old-fashioned"One shot"A type called pachinko machine called.

If you can put balls in the triple clouds in the center of the platform and put balls in the red holes specified in each clunn, you can proceed to the next clunk.

If you break through all three of the Kroon, Jackpot will be released and you can get 1 billion yen. Even in the game of the official website, it seems that gorgeous prizes will be presented to five people in the first come-first-served basis for those who have captured the "swamp".

Start playing games with 10 million yen worth of cards.

The remaining number of balls was displayed in the center of the upper part of the screen.

Click the button on the bottom right to fire the ball. If it is kept depressed, balls will be shot continuously while pushing.

The production will start when the ball enters the triple-track. The first Kroon seems to be able to break normally as usual.

But the second Kroon is difficult. No matter how many times the ball will come into a red hole.

When a ball enters the white hole in the upper right in the second clunk, you get cards that will allow Continue even if you run out of balls and over the game.

The number of balls that declines quickly.

I am over the game.

In "SPECIAL MENU" displayed on the right side of the screen, the card for Continue is displayed, but it is worrisome that there are two frames under it.

Since we can not enter the third crane even by investigating using all means, the question comes to mind that "Is not the third crane still being made?"Film release is November 5Although it is closer to you, will anyone who will achieve the strategy until it will be released?

in Movie,   Manga,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log