Q & A session held by SOFTBANK grandchild president in the 2011 Winter Spring presentation, iPhone no comment

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It was held today at noon.Softbank Mobile 's 2011 Winter Spring Model PresentationWe will deliver the contents of the question and answer that Mr. Masayoshi Son, president of the company said.

High-speed communication service "Softbank 4 G" realizing downlink maximum 110 MbpsEven stating that I started, I got more time than usual, and I got questions such as "About iPhone that was released from KDDI" was reported.

President Son wants for question and answer

Free Kamio:
I will ask you about the whole line-up of this time. I mentioned that at the previous announcement the main force of the smartphone is the iPhone, but this time Android smartphone has been enriched. Please tell us about the coexistence of sales side with the iPhone.

I definitely believe that the iPhone is one of the best smartphones in the industry and innovation will continue. Meanwhile, in the Android world, manufacturers from all over the world are competing against each other. In order to satisfy diversified needs, functions for young women, such as one seg, Osaifu-Keitai unique to Japan, Osaifu-Keitai, which can match the needs of many users such as infrared, and other functions are coming full We also plan to handle smartphones that have been melted into a wide range in the future.

Free Kamio:
So is there any recognition that the place where the iPhone is absolutely mainstay will change?

The iPhone is still one of the most important models, but we will also enrich the range of products that meet various needs. The network will prepare things of the industry fastest and large capacity in the form of "Softbank 4 G" and thoroughly strive to be able to incorporate the needs of smartphones.

Free free Ishino:
There was "Next Platform" in introducing the new model "104SH", please tell us in detail.

Google Android will be upgraded in OS version one after another. "104SH" will be the one containing the OS with the latest Android version upgrade function incorporated. Since Google's next generation Android version has not been announced, we will withhold announcement in this place, but to introduce the latest one as spring.

Free Free Ishikawa:
In describing '104SH', 'ULTRA SPEED' with maximum downlinking of 21 Mbps can be used, comfortable as commented because we can use free frequencies, how about response to tethering?

It is under consideration now.

Writer Yamada:
Is the fee for "Softbank 4G" fixed price, or is it staged?

Regarding price, we can not make official comment yet, but we would like to make it competitive enough with competitors.

Nikkei Newspaper:
I'd like to ask you about iPhone, but it is said that KDDI will release the iPhone even at the new year, but what is the impact on your sales performance?

I will make no comment on other companies' things.

Weekly Diamond Kojima
"Softbank 4 G" is a next-generation network in the 2.5 GHz band, but then is it no longer necessary for the 900 MHz band currently applying for permission?

The 2.5 GHz band and the 900 MHz band have completely different uses. The 900 MHz band is very effective for penetrating a small amount of radio waves in places where radio waves are difficult to reach, such as inside a building or in a mountain, so I am anxious to actively utilize it. Although it is applying for permission, it does not change the idea that it is very important. Since "Softbank 4G" announced today is the purpose of carrying out large capacity and high speed communication, the two purposes are different.

Free Inoue:
Android terminal has been improved in this winter spring model, but I think whether SOFTBANK MOBILE is focusing on iPhone or iPad. How do you sell this fulfilling Android device, including internal aspects?

The developers are doing development of Android technology so far that they can not defeat other companies. However, it certainly did not sell aggressively with respect to sale and internal posture. There are also things about sales policy, but there were many places I felt that the aspect of Android's technology was not sufficiently honest at that time. However, as soon as I came here, Android has also updated its version, and since it has all the functions that match the users of Japan, such as 1 Seg, Osaifu-Keitai and Earthquake Early Warning, along with the Japanese market, I will seriously work on it.

Free solder:
On the other hand, there are people who are in trouble because it seems that they are connected to the area when connecting automatically, but it is in a state where communication can not be made, but this way Were they taking countermeasures in cases and increasing base stations?

Basically, if the number of base stations is small, there will be more discontinuities outside the area, so the radio waves become stronger as the number increases. Because it can receive strong Wi - Fi radio waves directly in a coffee shop etc, it does not necessarily mean that the condition of the fringe will be worse.

Technically speaking, in terms of security, if security-sensitive items such as PCs and smartphones are connected at the same time to those with relatively weak security such as Nintendo DS for example, security to PC and iPhone There was a problem of being dragged by the weak one. However, this time, in response to technical issues, this part has improved considerably. We will make improvements ahead of other companies by making good use of experience value as a pioneer of Wi - Fi.

Yomiuri Newspaper:
What kind of targets are targeted for "Mimamori Home Security 101 HW"? Also, did this product develop based on the change in social situation due to the Great East Japan Earthquake?

Development was going on before the earthquake disaster. A young woman who is a single residence, when coming home at night, I think I will be worried whether there are any intruders at home, and my home with elderly children and elderly people are serious about security I think that I am suffering from it. "Mimamori Home Security 101HW" is a cheap, easy-to-install, fully automated one with communications unique to SoftBank. Since construction is unnecessary, I think that it will be a new proposal.

SOFTBANK has sold the world's largest number of photo frames, equipped with 3G communication functions, ahead of other companies. I have made suggestions that will arouse new demand, but I would like to continue my studies in the future.

Mainichi Newspaper:
Apart from the ones announced today, iPhone, which is expected as a new model of another model, is expected to be released next week, but expectation for that is said. Also, rather than au, Apple's iPhone will be deployed in multi-carrier, so there is a possibility that the situation where only one company in the country up to iPhone 4 was deploying may change Please tell me about measures to overcome.

No Comment. Next.

Nikkei PC Kaneko:
Are there any SIM lock-free ones among the 15 models of this time?

I will confirm about SIM free (of the new model released this time). We already have SIM-free models, but we did not sell very much. There were hardly any customers who requested functions as SIM free. I tried out guidance from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but since there was no demand as a reality problem, I would like to see the situation a bit more.

Free of:
The service itself of "Softbank 4G" will start in November 2011, but the release of "ULTRA Wi-Fi 4G" corresponding to that will be February 2012 and it will be free for 3 months, but during this time How is the service going?

Starting November 1st will be limited test-based service in. ULTRA Wi-Fi 4G will be deployed to full-fledged consumers from next year. MVNO will consider various things from now on.

Free forest:
I think softbank 's cell phone could be used even if I take it overseas with a fixed amount of roaming, but can I do such an operation even with "AXGP"? Also, will you advance "AXGP" to carriers other than China and India?

As a new world 4G technology standard, we are considering discussing "AXGP" with various carriers. It is not unlikely that companies such as China Mobile will stimulate other carriers by developing in conjunction with us. It is said that only the population of China and India will be half of the world, so in that sense I think that it will be a great direction for them to make decisions.

Nikkei news paper:
About the method of selling this terminal this time. Module type terminal and "Mimamori Home Security 101 HW" etc.ARPU (monthly sales per customer in telecommunications business)Although low ones are occupied, will the number of terminals that ARPU go up increase? Also, concerning pricing, your company has a higher terminal than other companies, but will we go through a policy that will significantly lower it monthly

Basically, ARPU is low in the model and feature phone of the previous Japanese smartphone. Therefore, ARPU as a mobile terminal increases, I think that absolute value of so-called communication sales will steadily rise. In addition to that, in order to evoke a completely new demand, we will release Mimamori Mobile and "Mimamori Home Security 101 HW" etc. This is a plus alpha. I am confident that I think that ARPU has been keeping high by adding both.

A time will come when one person has two and three mobile terminals. So, although the absolute value of ARPU is also important, we believe that the total number of terminals can still be expanded while keeping the bottom high.

Nikkei BP Otani:
About "Softbank 4G", it is said that "AXGP" is compatible with "TD-LTE" which is being introduced in other countries, but is it 100% compatible?

I think that you think that it is practically the same technology. Technically and professionally, "AXGP" has evolved "XGP", so we can make 100% compatibility at that time. It is 100% compatible from the start.

Nikkei Sakakara:
This time the so-called conventional type is only one model of PANTONE mobile phone, but how do you think about the approach of conventional mobile phone? I think that it is no doubt that models will decrease, but I would like to ask you the way of thinking of that development.

Softbank has declared the shift of the smartphone to the various makers as soon as possible and started preparations. That was almost three years ago. As a flow of a big era, we are intentionally shifting strategically to smartphones as soon as possible. That is why we have all this wide range of models. It is not merely a smartphone, it is sending out cutting-edge technologies and needs incorporating the needs in detail.

For traditional foldable mobile phones, we fold it in half, but we also have smartphones, and we also announced the sliding style this time. Those that leave the smell of the conventional mobile phone will be working as part of the smartphone. Although the conventional simple foldable mobile phone will continue to a certain extent for 1 and 2 models, the basic will shift completely to smartphones. However, as there are already existing models at stores, there is product lineup as stock, and we will continue selling while there is demand.

Is it? :
Although it is about SIM lock free efforts, I told you that there is no demand for SIM free at the time, but it seems to be largely due to popularity of models themselves. Is not it considered to issue SIM lock free on more models?

DoCoMo has already released a number of models and has removed the SIM lock, but I feel that demand is low. We will make as many (SIM lock free models) as there are demands.

Kyodo News Miyake:
For the 700 MHz band to 900 MHz, I think that a request for permission and approval has also been submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but where is the rationality that your company can allocate its frequency in parts other than the fairness of competitive relationship Could it be?

As you pointed out, among the three major telecommunication carriers, we have not yet allocated around 800 MHz. There are parts that can not be excluded because the radio waves with the frequency of 800 MHz are not available, but if it is said that new frequencies are allocated, there are already enough users to make other companies thin, and the network is also effectively used I think that it is natural to be assigned to us.

Kyodo News Miyake:
If so, I think whether there is a similar claim from EMOBILE, but about the policy of that point?

E-Mobile thinks that few users use voice calls. If it is 98% or more is used only for data and only data is used, even at frequencies which have already obtained permission, we do not reach the number of users who need additional assignment.

As experienced in the earthquake disaster, we feel that we can not secure voice communication as a lifeline, because we do not have the 800 MHz band, it is very problematic as three major contractors. On the other hand, if we get the 900 MHz band, I think that it is worth considering to share with EMOBILE.

But that requires a huge, hundreds of billions of yen capital investment. We have already declared that we will invest capital of 1 trillion yen to improve radio quality. For that reason, in terms of effectively utilizing radio waves, we are assigned to us who have over 30 million users, the current frequency is very crowded and there is no permission and no signal in the building or in the mountains I think that we can improve the situation where it is difficult to communicate.

As I mentioned earlier, compared with us, the number of base stations is about one third of KDDI, I think DOCOMO is fewer than that. We are doing very dreadful efforts in a limited frequency. Nevertheless, "Since radio waves do not arrive because it does not have permission, I do not have to get it", so I will increase the number of base stations, but I will comment along with that that permission is absolutely necessary.

in Coverage,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log