Apply record jacket to the landscape, playful advertisement
It is a work full of playful spirit that applies record jackets of various famous records that remain in the history of rock as it is to the landscape. They are,Matthew RaffardMr. 's hand was made as an advertisement of a radio station named Oui FM of France.
Oui Fm Campaign | Fubiz
We achieved sales of about 9.5 million copiesoasis3rd album "Bee Here Now". It is a jacket that fits just right in the lawn 's house.
Applying to the street corners makes it really easyRamones'S first album "Ramones' Fury".
David BowieThe concept album left in the gram rock era "Ziggy Stardust'Jacket just matches the street on a bad weather day.
In the long career I played for the first time in 2004The WhoFirst album "My Generation"The American version of. When I meet the clock tower and the landscape with a chimney, I have a jacket that I want to take out quickly.
When summer comes, I want to listenThe Beach BoysFirst album "Surfing · Safari"Is a jacket with a surfboard at the beach. I wanted you to take a picture after approaching the sea a little more.
I want the name of "the emperor of funk"James BrownBest Album "In The Jungle Groove". I am doing a jacket that is perfect for the bench, but I hope it is not a space with green, if possible, to take with a lonely indoor corner.
Extremely high agreement with landscapeRoxy Music5th album "siren".
Doors5th album "Morrison Hotel". It would be best to fit the real jacket taken with the same name hotel to the hotel rather than the restaurant.
Dead KennedysThe first album "assassination" is a jacket in which the parking car is on fire. If the direction of the car parked in parallel is actually opposite, it should have been better.
PJ HarveyThe first album "Two Bring You You My Love" since the band formation changed to solo activity. It seems strange that the ratio of landscape and jacket is strange, but it is a perfect jacket for water.
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in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log