A huge snail occurs in Miami, and a snail sect also appears
ByDonny 27
A large amount of giant snail of exotic species occurred in southwest Miami, Florida, USA. There are damage such as being able to eat the outer wall of a private house, and it is problematic in the surrounding area.
Miami Invaded By Giant, House-Eating Snails: NPR
A large amount is generated by "African maimai(The Giant African Land Snail) "snail. This species growing up to 10 inches (25.4 cm), as its name suggests, is an African alien species that is not of Miami origin.
A picture of African snail caught in Miami. Clicking it will disengage the mosaic.
Like ordinary snails, mucilage sticks to the traces that African snail has passed. Also, when infected by humans, it attacks the central nervous system and causes meningitisGuangdong Schistosome wormSince it is also the host of the disease, there is a risk of infection even by touching the scarred marks, there is a danger of life if it occurs. In addition, imports are restricted originally in the United States because it eats up to plaster used for the outer wall of the house, as well as garbage and pet food as food.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer ServicesAccording to Richard Gaskalla of Mr. Richard Gaskalla, there is no doubt that people who smuggle African snail, which is banned importing, in other countries smuggled with interest. In 1965, as a child of elementary school student threw two African snails into the pocket and brought them to Miami, the child breeded rapidly and resulted in disinfecting about 17,000 animals at a cost of 1 million dollars ... There seems to have been an example of ....
Also, in response to the recent outbreak, it is said that emerging religious "snail churches" appeared on a small scale, and said that African snail is regarded as a cure to enhance healing power. A young woman entered for stomach disease and was recommended as a ceremony of treatment from her mother to drink live African snail milk as a juice.
Of course, as mentioned earlier, African snail is a host of dangerous parasites and imports are restricted in Japan, so this "cure rite" is a very dangerous act. Gaskalla warns repeatedly "Do not touch African snail with your hands".
In this movie you can see a moving African snail, but since it is a shocking scene for those who are not good at it, such as lost eggs in a lot of strokes and moving, please pay attention to browsing adequately.
Giant Snails Invade Miami - YouTube
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