Mars Prospecting machine "Opportunity" To the last mission

The Mars probe that landed on Mars on January 25, 2004"Opportunity (official name: Mars exploration rover B)"Is driving toward Mars' endeavor · crater "which is the final destination, and it seems that it is scheduled to arrive at the edge of Endeavor · crater today even if running smoothly.

Final destination: Mars rover Opportunity poised to reach rim of giant crater today | Mail Online

Opportunity is the NASA Mars explorer, which is the second of the two explorers used in the Mars Exploration Rover program. "Spirits" of Unit 1 was officially stopped in April 2011 with wheels stuck in the sand when they tried to pass through the sand called "Troy" in May 2009, Prospects that have been declared and are now mobile in the program are one opportunity.

After the spirit that stopped, the opportunity's final destination is named "Spirits Point".

On observation from orbit it is known that the clay minerals generated from the relationship with water are exposed on the surface of the Endeavor crater on a wide range of ground surface.

The progress situation of the opportunity is reported every week, the picture below is a picture of the position of last week.

And here is a picture of when opportunity lands on Mars in 2004.

Opportunity when you are taking tests on the earth.

Project manager John Callas said "Endeavor Crater is definitely the most important target since MARS landing" and expectations for investigation by opportunities.

Also, a new type of spacecraftMars Science LaboratoryIt will be launched at the end of 2011 by the end of 2011 and new friends will be added to the Martian spacecraft soon. The image below is an image of a new model.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log