Shocking about 90 seconds of animation movie "Bambi Meets Godzilla"
"Bambi Meets Godzilla" is an animated film produced by 1969 produced by director of Canada's Marve · Newland, producing, screenplay and director. Since it is about 90 seconds and it is a very short animation, please first see the movie.
Bambi.meets.Godzilla - YouTube
Disney movie drawn in monochrome in a calm and pastoral atmosphere "BambiThe main character Bambi is enjoying the fragrance of flowers.
The title "Bambi Meets Godzilla" came out. By the way, BGM is a composer'sJoaquino RossiniOpera by "William Tell"AlphornThing that played with.
Opening credits will flow one after another. Original: Marve · Newland.
Screenplay: Marv Newland
Choreography: Marv Newland
Bambi costume: Marve · Newland
Producer: Marve · Newland
Amid a heartwarming atmosphere, Bambi is enjoying the scent of flowers without getting tired.
It is! Is it?
The Beatles' song "A Day In The Life"The code sounds at the end of" BGM "" the end "characters appeared.
"We appreciate the city of Tokyo"
"They helped us in using Godzilla in this movie."
At the end, Godzilla's nails finely moved and finished. What on earth were they ....
Despite the short work of just under 2 minutes of screening time,Internet · Movie · Database (IMDb)It is registered in.
Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969) - IMDb
Bambi, Meet Godzilla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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