Mobile Suit Gundam UC 4th episode "In the bottom of gravity well" November 12 preliminary screening started

"Mobile Suit Gundam UC" which has been promoting OVA of all 6 volumes from the spring of 2010. It was revealed that the latest episode, the fourth episode "At the bottom of gravity well" will premiere screening at 12 movie theaters nationwide from 12th November.

Mobile Suit Gundam UC [Unicorn]

Episode 4 Video Expansion Information | Mobile Suit Gundam UC [Unicorn]

The key visual of the fourth episode is that Banaghi is walking in the desert, reminiscent of the episode that Amuro came down from the white base and encountered Ramba Lal in Mobile Suit Gundam.

The period of the event screening is two weeks from November 12th to 25th. Movie theaters are Shinjuku Piccadilly, TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills, Yokohama Burku 13, Cineplex Makuhari, MOVIX Saitama, MOVIX Utsunomiya, Osaka Station City Cinema, Namba Parks Cinema, MOVIX Kyoto, Midland Square Cinema, Fukuoka Nakasu Ohi, Sapporo Cinema Frontier All 12 houses.

Like the previous three screenings, the theater limited edition Blu-ray of episode 4 is pre-sold at the above cinema during the period. Screenplay by Yu Yuki Muto for limited edition Blu-ray, Scenario handmade by Shuzo Murase and cover film illustration included as limited award. The quantity is limited to 12,000 sets, it is 7000 yen.

In addition, paid distribution will also start from November 12.

General sales of Blu-ray and DVD will be from December 2nd.

in Anime, Posted by logc_nt