Imaginary festival of animation "Hanasaku Iroha" is a reality, "Bonburi Festival" conducted at Yunakuda Onsen
Recently there are cases where the land which became the stage of animation gets bustling after receiving the stage setting by the fans, the local government side acting as a model actively holds the event etc., or collaboration with the original event and animation You can see cases such as.
Ishikawa Prefecture's Yuuku Onsen (Yowaku Oshkin) is currently broadcasting anime "Hanasaku IrohaAlthough it is the stage of the stage and it is carrying out collaboration such as setting up a fictitious name of the station name in the place which became the model of the station appearing in the middle of the work, this time, it is a fictitious festival which is done in the work " It seems that it was decided to actually hold the Bonburi Festival.
Notice of "Yu Taki Bottle Festival" held
Yunusu hot spring is a model of hot springs (Yuasagi) hot spring which appears in "Hanasaku Iroha", and visiting by work fans is actively done. It seems that this Yunakuda Onsen, July 28, 2008 severely damaged by concentrated torrential rain, but now it is returning to the appearance that does not feel it. As part of this 3rd anniversary of flood disaster reconstruction, we have decided to implement "Yu Yakubon Festival" with cooperation of "Hanasaku Iroha" officials.
First, a dandelion lighting ceremony and a Nozomi tag dedication at Yurakudari Inage Shrine will be held from 20 o'clock Saturday, July 23 at Kanazawa Yuyu Yumekan 2 Yoko Stage and Yuniki Inari shrine.
And on October 9th (Sun), the Yunakudori festival will be held at Yunaki Onsen town.
There are places to do festivals that collaborated with animation, but it is quite a rare case to actually do the festival that appeared in animation. If this is successful, these festivals may be done elsewhere.
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in Anime, Posted by logc_nt