A man who can play wrestling with a polar bear alone in the world

In Japan, it is commonly called polar bear and is loved in zoos in various parts of the worldPolar bearsHowever, its length is 250 - 300 cm in male and 200 - 300 cm in females, and it is also the biggest species in bear family. Mark Abbot Dumas seems to be the only man in the world who can take a skin ship by touching such a polar bear.

Animal trainer Mark Abbot Dumas wrestles a fully grown polar bear | Mail Online

Trainer Dumas (left) and female polar bear Agee (right).

Dumas and Agee cuddle in the pool.

If you are tired of playing in the pool, take a nap on the lawn. Mr. Dumas lives as a family and family as Agee for eight to sixteen years old, and he says, "If someone else wants to manage it, it will be Agee's dinner, It is only me and my wife. "

Mr. Dumas is biting Agee throat.

"Ben Har"Famous as leading actor such asCharlton HestonMr. Dumas found Agee at the Swedish Zoo at the request of film director Fraser Heston, "I want you to find a white child bear." Then Mr. Dumas lived together at home until Agee grew bigger and then lived together making an enclosure where Agee lives near his home.

According to Mr. Dumas, "Agee is particularly relaxed early in the morning and I can lie down by her and lie down", "I and Agee enjoy sometimes wrestling and enjoying together on the lawn It's a wonderful time to let go of forgotten things, "Dumas says.

Agee is doing the work of shooting for television and the like, and when taking a picture, various instructions such as pretending to stand up on the back leg by Mr. Dumas are executed. According to Mr. Dumas, "Agee likes work, polar bear is an extremely high intelligent animal, you can see Agee is excited at the work place excited at work."

Also, Agee seems to be able to distinguish between human men and women, Dumas's wife Dawn says, "She seems to feel jealous when you see Mark being spoken to by other women" I am talking.

in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log