Movie of the smallest animal fennec of the canine department

Animal fenneck, whose body length is about 40 cm and weighs less than 1.5 kg, plays with dogs and cats. Although the body is small, it is extremely active and friendly to other animals, so we continue to play endlessly in any movie we will introduce this time. It is super insidious.

The movie is from the following.
Even a sleeping cat is playing partner without mercy.
YouTube - Gizzmo and his Cat and Dog friends

Dog and crawlers.
YouTube - Welsh Corgi and Fennec Fox Playing

Chasing with a cat.
YouTube - Savannah Cat & Fox

It seems that this fennec can be kept in the same way as a dog, but since he is good at digging holes, the outdoor enclosure needs to be deep underground. I think that you can tell by seeing the movement of fennec in the movie, but it seems that recapture of fennec who ran away is extremely difficult.

Fennec - Wikipedia

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log