"Favorite food" ranking 1st in the world pasta, Italian food culture strong


Civil society fighting poverty in 98 countries worldwide"Oxfam"To people in 17 countries to be interested in the world food situation"What kind of food do you like?"It seems to have conducted a survey.

As a result of the survey, it was "pasta" that prosperous "everyone likes food" ranked first in the world rankings. As a survey focusing on the food situation in the world, questions remain in the sample country and the method of survey, but it shows how pasta is familiar to the world.

Pasta, pizza, or paella? Global food survey reveals world's favorite foods | Oxfam International
King of the carbs! Pasta is named the world's favorite food | Mail Online

It seems that the comprehensive result of this time is as follows. Pasta was ranked first in the list with meat and rice suppressed, the overwhelmingly endorsed pizza in the US ranked fourth, ranked fourth in the rankings below, the international cuisine is lined up below, the Chinese cuisine in international cuisine Top, here again Italian shows second place to show strength. Mexican food is in 10th place, but this is a subtle place because Mexico itself is included in the subject of survey.

Overall rank
1. Pasta
2. Meat
3. Rice
4. Pizza
5. Chicken meat
6. Seafood
7. Vegetables
8. Chinese food
9. Italian
10. Mexican food

From the site below, ranking 1st to 3rd ranking of each country is to be seen by overlaying the mouse on the country.
The world's favorite foods: interactive | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

◆ United States of America

First place is pizza. It is overwhelmingly endorsed by doubling the difference of 15.2% and 8.2% of the second place steak. About 8% of respondents answered that they were not able to eat satisfactorily in most cases in most cases in response to the question "Is a sufficient amount of meal taken?" That was conducted simultaneously with this survey , Even in the United States it is shown that starvation is not other people's affairs.

◆ Mexico

First place is Mexican food, Chinese food is ranked second. Moré in 3rd place is Mexican version curry with meat etc boiled with chocolate with various spices such as chili and it seems to be easy to say chocolate, but in fact it will be a rice spicy dish with richness It seems.

◆ Brazil

It is a bit surprising in Brazil, but Lasagna is number 1. I think lasagna is a type of pasta, but pasta is ranked in third place.

◆ Spain

Convinced in SpainpaellaIs No. 1. Below, pasta followed by dishes using rice such as risotto and pilaf.

◆ UK

Steak ranked first in the UK. Next is pasta. Curry which seemed to be popular in the UK was regrettably the 4th place.

◆ Germany

Noodles is ranked number one in Germany. Even with the noodles, the Germans do not eat cup noodles all the time, but Germany seems to have unique noodle dishes. I used noodles made with potatoes"Spuph noodles"One such example.

◆ Ghana

1st placeGiggleIs made from boiled cassava and bananas before ripening and is eaten as a staple food in West Africa. The 3rd bank is also a staple food unique to West Africa, but this is made from corn flour and it seems to be a sour food.

◆ Kenya

Ugari of 1st place is food made by kneading corn meal and cassava powder with hot water, and there are various variations from dumpling to porridge by adjusting the amount of moisture. In the same survey, 68% of respondents in Kenya said that their diet has changed in recent years, about 80% of them said that the change is due to rising food prices.

◆ Tanzania

Tanzania is a special product of coffee, but banana and meat are the best in food.

◆ Republic of South Africa

In South Africa pasta is ranked first, followed by pizza, steak and Western style food. Sushi ranks in 14th place.

◆ Pakistan

Vegetables ranked first in Pakistan. 3rd placeChicken billiIt is rice cooked with chicken and spice.

◆ India

Indian food is the number one in India. The cuisine using rice will be continued below.

◆ Philippines

Chicken meat ranked first in the Philippines. The second place is Philippine cuisine, salted fish fried, Philippine sausage "Ronganisa", meat dish using banana or tomato sauce "Puchero", sour soup using seafood "Sinigan" etc. are known I will.

◆ Russia

In Russia, the first place is meat, the second place is potatoes, and the third place is salad. As Borscht and beef stroganoff, which has its own culinary culture rooted in, pasta and pizza seems to be kept low. Incidentally, sushi is ranked in the top 14th place pasta and pizza.

◆ Australia

Chocolate in Australia is first place. I heard that it is unusual that the country with the answer "Chocolate" most often comes back when asked about your favorite food,Investigation of Japan Chocolate · Cocoa AssociationAccording to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, domestic consumption and so on are higher in Germany and the UK, and consumption per person is higher by country, but it seems not to be jumping.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log