Password top 10 frequently used by iPhone users, 1st place is "1234", 2nd place is "0000"

The top ten of the most frequently used passwords of iPhone users have been released.

The fact that a password with many users to use is in other words "As anyone can come up with, a password that should not be used absolutelyIt is said that if you are uncertain whether your password is safe or not, it seems necessary to check the ranking.

Details are as below.
Most Common iPhone Passcodes | iPhone | Daniel Amitay

According to the official page of iPhone application developer Daniel Amitay, a very interesting finding is published about the 4-digit password used to protect iPhone's system. This was derived from the result of collecting 204,500 passwords selected by the user as anonymous data for security protection of Amitay's application "Big Brother Camera Security".

To the end it is the password of "Big Brother Camera Security", not the iPhone's password itself, but Amitay locked the iPhone because he set the password setting and lock screen of this application to be almost the same as the actual iPhone lock screen We assume that there is a high correlation between the password used and the collected password.

Password top 10 released. "1234" ranked first, "0000" ranked second, "2580" ranked third, ... and so on, and "1998" ranked 10th. By the way, "5683" is the number when typing "LOVE" when entering the numeric keypad.

Also, many users have registered "my birth year" or "year of graduation" in passwords, like "1998" ranked in the tenth place, aggregate users who set passwords considered to be dates As a result, in the results that the 1990s was the most frequent and the 1980s continued.

Attention to using easy-to-follow passwords such as birthdays and last 4 digits of telephone numbers is also being invited to ATMs at banks, but considering the time of emergency, it is better to be careful There seems to be no thing.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log