The main character fighting by rolling with just the neck is too scary Konami's new title "Never Dead" played in the real movie only actually became neck

Together with his wife to challenge the demon king, broke, lost his wife and a man who was made an invulnerable body "Blythe" is the new title of Konami, the hero"Never Dead"I adopt a system with a strong impact that the main character fights as it is even if each part of the body blows away by making the best use of the setting that hero is immortal.E3 2011It was finally exhibited in a condition that you can actually play.

There is something quite frightening as to the appearance of the hero who fights while torn his arm or rolling as it is just a neck, but the way that attacks change depending on the state of the body, is also a novel system. What kind of games are you finished with?

The play movie of "Never Dead" is from the following.Never Dead Official Site

Konami booth of E3 2011. I am afraid of the face of the main character of "Never Dead" projected on a huge screen.

There was a trailer movie of Never Dead flowing.

The movie below is a trailer movie of "Never Dead". I understand the reason why the hero's "Blythe" does not die.

YouTube - NeverDead (Never Dead) E3 2011 Trailer

Blythe 's past appearance. It used to be a handsome man in the old days.

My wife's cipher. Together we will challenge the devil.

Two people struggling against the mighty demon king.

Blythe who desires to get killed by his wife's cipher.

It is caught by the demon king, and it is said that "there is no possibility of winning you."

And Blythe is given an immortal body.

Thus Blythe had won the prize money earning money by getting rid of the lower daemon.

"Never Dead" is a playable exhibition, so I was able to actually play a part of the game.

Below is a picture of actually playing "Never Dead" at the Konami booth of E3 2011. I was able to see how the body actually broke up and fight with the body damaged in fact.

YouTube - E3 2011 Konami New Title "Never Dead" Play Movie

Tire-like insects are rolling with enormous momentum.

My legs were blown away.

Blythe fighting without moving even with one foot.

Legs and arms can be played.

I had my legs blown again. Legs are rolling in the center of the screen.

This time all the parts in the body were blown away. Tire insects are surprisingly strong.

Blythe became only his neck.

Still rolling and rolling and proceed.

When you defeat the enemy, things like bosses came out.

The part you can play is here. The main volume will be released in the winter of 2011. In addition to changing the way of attack by damaging the body, it seems that you can use it by wearing flames in your body and thrusting into the enemy, you can use your own neck and arm to peel off, you can enjoy a fairly diverse and bad hobby action I will. As a splatter fan, is not it a little worrisome? The action is high speed, high tempo and feeling that it is finished with a good operation feeling well.

in Coverage,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log