Household robot "Luna" which can walk dogs and do housework help

RoboDynamics Inc., headquartered in California, has developed the home robot "Luna".

When saying home robots, Honda's "ASIMO"And" National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology "HRP 2", NEC's"PaPeRo"Luna" is a humanoid robot with a height of 5 feet (about 152 cm), it seems to be a robot that will do a little housekeeping assistance, a dog walk or the like.

Details are as below.
Meet Luna | RoboDynamics

Luna: Do we really need a dog-walking robot? - The Week

This is an introduction movie of Luna by RoboDynamics. It seems that it was taken with iPhone 4, and the picture quality is not very good.

YouTube - Luna - 1st Run

Suddenly Luna greeted me with a smile (?).

The body looks like this and is shaped like a bulge toward the foot.

Head is pretty small.

Luna walking away all the time.

Luna is equipped with a Linux-based OS, the face part is a touch screen display, as well as Wi-Fi and expansion USB port etc. are installed. In the fourth quarter of 2011, 1000 limited editions will be released for 3000 dollars (about 240,000 yen), and general release will be scheduled for late 2012.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt