'Most women are OK with confessions from unconscious people', valuable questionnaire data on romance and confession released



The results of a questionnaire on romance and confession have been released to 300 young men and women, including high school students, university students, and working adults in their 20s.

The coined words ' carnivorous girls ' and ' herbivorous boys ' tend to make young men more reluctant to love, and some people have firmly established the image that women are more active, but ' carnivorous girls also '. In fact, we are waiting for an approach from a man, and if we confess, there is a high possibility that we will get unexpectedly good results . '

Details of the questionnaire results are below. AX GO DIRECT | Survey on romance and confession heard from high school students, college students, and working men and women in their 20s

Only 18.7% of the men answered that they were carnivorous in response to the question 'Is I herbivorous or carnivorous in love?', And 30% of the respondents were less than women who answered that they were carnivorous. The result is. High school boys (82%) answered that they were herbivorous. On the other hand, the majority of respondents who answered that they were carnivorous were working adults in their 20s (40%), and it can be said that they are also affecting the overall results.

However, it is not that women are extremely 'carnivorous' as it is said in the world, and the percentage of women is about 10% higher in each age group.

When asked to female respondents, 'Which of the herbivorous men or carnivorous men are you attracted to in love?', An average of 72.3% of women answered that they are 'more attracted to carnivorous men.' Did. More than 70% of working women in their 20s, who had the most carnivorous women, answered that they liked 'carnivorous' and 'rather carnivorous', so carnivorous girls prey on herbivorous boys. It seems that the composition of doing is unexpectedly few , and it may be that men with strong push tend to be preferred.

When I asked 184 women who do not currently have a boyfriend, 'Do you want a boyfriend now?', 80% of the respondents said 'I want it now' and 'I don't want it now, but I want it someday.' 'I revealed my interest in love.

Also, when I asked 184 women who do not have boyfriends, 'Are you expecting new encounters with men?', Although the percentage is slightly lower than the above question, 65.2% of women overall are more or less. I answered that I was expecting an encounter.

Now a question for men. Only 21% of the respondents answered 'I can' to the question 'Can I confess as soon as I have someone I care about or like?'

When I asked 236 men who answered that it was difficult to confess to their favorite person immediately, the top was 'I'm not confident in myself (70.3%)', and the runner-up was. 'I don't understand the feelings of the other person (62.7%)', and it is clear that you need to be confident to confess.

Also, when asking men, 'When you look at yourself objectively, how many of the 10 do you think women are most popular with?', The lowest answer, '10th,' is the most common. Even if you give a value, it will be '6.87th place', and it can be seen that there are quite a lot of men who feel that they are not popular.

When I asked 176 men who had confessed, 'Have you ever regretted that you shouldn't have confessed?', Surprisingly 79% said, '(I regret it). It is clear that nearly 80% of the people were able to produce results without regrets, such as answering 'No.'

On the other hand, when I asked all the men, 'Have you ever regretted that you should have confessed?', 48% of the respondents answered that they had regretted, so they acted unexpectedly. It turns out that you don't have to regret it later if you move to.

When I asked the man, 'What percentage do you think you would confess if you are confident that the other person will be OK?', The respondents who answered '70% or more' and '90% or more' were combined. You can see a cautious attitude that it is not a match unless there is a good chance of winning, such as occupying about 70%.

Here, the subject of the survey returned to women, and when asked, 'Even if you are not conscious, do you go out with them if you confess?' .. It seems that the confession may be successful even if the other party does not necessarily like it, so it seems that it may be successful if you make an effort later.

Some people may give up confessing, 'But my favorite child has a boyfriend ...', but in this questionnaire, 'Do you think that if you confess when you have a boyfriend, you may go out with him?' It seems that about half of the respondents say 'OK after parting from my boyfriend' to the question '?', So it may be a good idea to try attacking once.

When I asked all the women, 'When the ideal man is 100 points, how many men should I go out with if I confess?', 61 to 70 points were the most, and the average was 71.21 points. rice field. Even if it is not 100 points, it seems possible that your thoughts will be fulfilled if you clear 70% or more.

When I asked each man and woman, 'Do you need a proper word of confession to get along, or' I don't have a clear word and want to get along somehow '?' The result was that more people chose the option of 'dating.' A little more (88.3%) of women answered 'I want / want to confess properly' than men, indicating that they need clear confession words.

When asked by all the men, 'I thought they had both feelings, such as having a date, but had no words of confession and couldn't get along with each other,' as many as 31% answered 'yes.' It turned out that I missed the chance because I didn't have any words of confession even though I got a good atmosphere.

When I asked a woman 'What signal do you send to a man who is interested?' And asked a man 'What signal do you think the other person is interested in?' It is clear that there is a difference in recognition between them.

First of all, regarding 'email', more than 60% of men feel the favor of the other party by 'email sent even though they have no business', while women who send it with that intention have a temperature difference of about 40%. To a certain result. Actually, it seems that many women are enthusiastic about 'Thank you emails after playing with them'.

Next, regarding the signal to feel the other party's favor at the 'drinking party', while the man feels a response to the direct content such as 'body touch' and 'exchange of e-mail address and phone number', as a woman, 'eyes' It seems that the signal is put in a casual act such as 'matching the conversation'.

When I asked a woman about her ideal confession, many of the standard words such as 'I like it' and 'Please go out with me' were mentioned, and there was a desire to be 'simple' and 'straight'. It seems that there are many.

Regarding the ideal place to confess, the overwhelming majority of 'return roads' was 40.3%, and it was found that no particularly elaborate production was required. As a man, you may want to do something elaborate because of the shyness, but it seems that there is a high possibility that you will fail, so it seems safer to go here without any tricks.

When asked to men, 'Do you think that giving a good scent gives you courage and self-confidence?', 66% answered that they think so.

Also, when I asked a man 'what I can be confident about in terms of love by sticking to it,' the most people mentioned 'scent', and 28.3% said. There may be a sense of security that your smell does not make the other person uncomfortable.

When asked if women like men who smell good, 91% of the respondents answered that they liked it. However, considering that there are almost no women who like men who smell unpleasant, this answer may be a natural result.

This survey was conducted as part of activities such as the official application and establishment of May 9 as 'Confession Day' with the intention that Unilever's men's cosmetics brand AX supports men's romance.

Therefore, a question about fragrance is included in the last of the questionnaire, but in an extreme case, I overconfided the scent like a man who continued to use Ax products for 7 years but charged 3.8 million yen for not being popular. As a result, it seems that some people could not achieve results, so it seems better to balance the appearance and approach methods and build relationships with women.

By the way, on the following site, you can 'confess' to Twitter followers and mixi's My Miku with a gorgeous production.

GO TO THE AX TOWER ~ Tower of Confession ~

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log