Just watching it makes you horrible, a clock that shows the time to oil consumption and oil peak

ByAlex E. Proimos

Every minute every second, the amount of petroleum that is consumed in real time and the output of petroleum is the largest, then the output will be decreasing in the future "Oil peak"It is a clock that represents the period of time.

The accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant caused by the Great East Japan Great Earthquake caused the power supply to drop and the operation of thermal power plants that had been dormant will be resumed, and attention is gathering again for petroleum fuels, but with a tremendous momentum Looking at the increasing consumption of petroleum, I will think about the future of energy in the future.

Details of the clock are from the following.This Peak Oil Clock is Absolutely Terrifying: Tree Hugger

This is "clock that represents the period of oil consumption and the period up to oil peak".

Here, the cumulative amount of oil that has been consumed all over the world by today is displayed. All figures are in unitsbarrel(1 barrel = approx. 159 liters), and at the present time it is calculated to total 7,729,388 barrels (about 1,289,660,43 thousand liters).

"Today" represents the amount of oil consumed all over the world today. In other words, the amount of petroleum consumed per day will be about 54,388,890 barrels (about 8,649,420,000 liters).

"Since Arriving" represents the amount of oil consumed up to the present since reading this watch.

Also like thisOil peakIt shows how much time remains until the number of days and time. At the moment, it seems that the output of petroleum will reach the peak at about 398 days (1 year and 1 month).

Clean energy such as solar power generation, wind power generation, and geothermal power generation is gaining attention as an alternative energy to thermal power generation, but as petroleum is indispensable not only for energy but also for various products, It might be a good opportunity to think about oil.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log