Pictures of cats jumping with full of dynamism Various

It is a picture of the cats jumping with lots of dynamism.

Whether you are looking for something or not, you will not get tired of looking at various poses, such as posture stretching your forefoots and posture like shrimp trail that you would like to fly high high.

Here are a couple of photographs that cut out the moments of cat leap.Flying cats -

I feel a pretty cuteness like a front paw like an invincible cat.

Another cat that jumps with power as long as he can and stares at it calmly.

I have a sharp eye as if I found something prey.

This is also approaching the camera with a posture that seems to have captured the prey.

It is better to say that it is floating rather than flying,

A few seconds to landing.

Jump up and let the body go.

It seems to be the same cat as the photo above, but it is flying quite high.

I draw an arch cleanly.

I threw my body aggressively, but is the landing safe ...?

A piece like a back air.

It looks as thoughtfully floating.

I feel wild in the forefoot of the right that opened.

I feel like walking away from the height of the refrigerator.

This cat safely landed on the microwave oven.

Diving from the top of the refrigerator.

I put four paws on the pins, but which feet did you put in the force and flew?

Flying cats and cats looking up look like nice pictures like a nice picture.

I am repeating the jump over three stages as to whether I am trying to catch something. I am concerned about whether or not I have persistently targeted the prey.

According to readers' stories, these photos are "Sora tobiko airborne cats"In the picture taken by junku of Mr. Junku, Flickr has many other photos of jumping cats on it.

Airborne cats - a set on Flickr

in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log