A parrot that raises one leg and has a skin ship with a cat

A movie by Tai Ha Kuium, who has taken a skin ship with a cat by raising one foot to dexterity while having wings but instead of birds with no forefoot. It seems that compatibility between birds and cats is bad, but exceptions seem to enter the world.

Details are as below.
I have legs on hands and are in touch with the cat next door. Is this a love expression too?
YouTube - Parrot massages cat's head

Taihu Quaum trying to ride on the head of a cat why. Perhaps Taihakuumium may not like that cat too much.
YouTube - Parrot sits on cats head

2008/12/05 0:07 Fix:From readers I fixed this bird because it was pointed out that it is Tai Ha Kuium.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log