"BK single cheese egg" that Burger King and egg met, and a new side menu "American cheese fry" taste review

In the Burger King which develops a chain mainly on a large hamburger "Whopper", a new menu"BK Single Cheese Egg" "American Cheese Fry"I tried it at once as it appeared.

BK single cheese egg is a burger using egg for the first time as Burger King. What is the compatibility between Burger King 's Patty and Egg, which is characterized by a solid presence of massive meat? Also American cheese fries with cheese and tomato sauce on potato, which is a classic side dish, are appearing for a limited time this time, but it is worrisome whether it is a menu with the power enough to standardize in the future.

Therefore, the taste review of BK single cheese egg and American cheese fry is from the following.BK single cheese egg | BURGER KING: Burger King
American cheese fries | BURGER KING: Burger King

Arrive at Burger King

The sticker of the BK single egg series is stuck next to the menu table.

This time I ordered BK single egg, BK single cheese egg, and American cheese fries.

First off from BK single egg.

I opened the package.

Somehow the cheese protrudes.

This is supposed to be a package of BK single cheese egg ... ....

When opening it, cheese also protrudes here.

Apparently it seems that the clerk mistakenly wrapped both cheese.

Anyway I tried to break it in half.

Egg is a ripe feeling, it has a solid taste in the middle in the middle.

When I tried it, the scent of black pepper added to Caesar sauce was effective, and I feel that Patty and egg are harmonizing well. Since the taste of the sauce is moderate in taste and sourness is refreshing, both Patty and eggs have volumes, but they did not feel heavy. It has a solid taste of meat, good compatibility with sauce, a burger with a sense of stability that can not be thought of as a new menu.

Next is American Cheese Fry.

I came out with potatoes, cheese and tomato sauce entangled.

The acidity of the tomato sauce is pretty strong, it may be a bit different if you eat it with the image of ketchup.

Tabasco (sold separately) (20 yen including tax) is introduced.

Feeling that it gets pretty hot when using all the bags. Let's adjust with an appropriate amount. American cheese fries where I wanted cheese to come out more in a state of trout. If you can eat it with melting cheese, it is hoped for, but is there a difficult place?

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log