Subaru × GAINAX's original animation "Pleiades after school", distribution of all four stories on YouTube started
Subaru of automobile manufacturer and animation project by animation production company Gainax "SUBARU × GAINAX Animation ProjectThe first piece of "Pleiades after school"Distribution started.
The work consists of 4 episodes, totaling 25 minutes. It is a delivery on YouTube so you can see it in a little time.
Details are as below.
SUBARU × GAINAX Animation Project
YouTube - Pleiades after school the 1st night
YouTube - Pleiades after school second night
YouTube - Pleiades after school Third night
YouTube - Pleiades after school the 4th night
It is quite innovative that new animations are released on YouTube in this way. If such attempts spread more and more, the regional disparity of animation also disappears, and the animation fans all over the country can tell the work without concern for the regional difference, is not it good.
By the way, as for the work, it seems that there are many impressions that you want to see more thoroughly long things from the shortness of normal animation 1 episode, which is a combination of 4 talks in time with solid content. Is it a model that the full version is released on DVD and Blu-ray? Or, "Final examination whales"Or"Mobile girl"Is this a complete version? It is a little worrisome.
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in Anime, Posted by logc_nt