Women's tears include ingredients that diminish male sexual desire

There may be people who like crying women rather than smiles, but in biology men seem to be making it difficult for women who are crying to feel sexual appeal.

In men who inhaled volatile ingredients from female tears through experiments conducted in Israel,testosteroneIt has become clear that the activity of the part which controls sexual arousal declines in the brain.

Details are as below.A Woman's Tears: The Anti-Viagra? - ScienceNOW

The animal's body fluid contains chemical signals for exchanging various information such as "mating is possible now", "the enemy is approaching", and so on among similar individuals. Even humans, for example, the smell of sweat changes with age, health condition, etc.,HLA typeIt turns out that it likes the smell of sweat of a distant man.

Then, how about tears? Male male tears know that some of the animals' tears contain components used for chemical communication, such as proteins that make females easier to copulate. However, in humans who do not trim like a rodent, since there are few opportunities for individuals to approach closer distance so that chemical information can be transmitted with tears, tears become visual information transmission means It has been thought that it is not too much.

Israel·Weizmann Institute of ScienceDr. Noam Sobel, a neurobiologist, said she felt doubts about this. Tears flowing due to sorrow and suffering are known to differ in composition from tears secreted to wash away the garbage in the eyes. Dr. Sobel who thought that human tears flowing by emotion might include chemical signals for heterosexuals said that she was asked by men to cry tears collected from a woman who saw a sad movie He seems to have discovered that women's tears contain ingredients that suppress male sexual desire.

In cooperation with two women who can tears freely in the experiment, in 1979Franco ZeffirelliDirected work "Champ"While watching the scene where the boy takes the death of his father, I got tears collected.

A movie about how women take tearsHereYou can see from.

Next, we asked 24 men, aged 23 to 32, to have a sample of tears of women a few minutes after sampling brought close to the nose and took a deep breath ten times and have the cotton impregnated with tears stick under the nose It was.

The control group received saline in the same way and adhered to the nose. In addition, this saline water was used to let flow on the face of a woman in advance to conform conditions such as cosmetics adhering to real tears and the smell of perfume, the subject men used tears and saline It was not possible to separate the smell of smell.

In this state, when we synthesized the "sad" expression and "happy" expression and evaluated the face picture of the woman who did not have either side, the men who tears and the men who brushed the salt water, Although there was no difference in judgment of facial expression, when evaluating the attraction of a woman in a photograph, a male who tears down seems to have made a low evaluation.

In addition, it was also confirmed that the heart rate, skin temperature, and testosterone concentration decreased in a tearful man, which suggests that sexual excitement is suppressed. Also,FMRIIn men who caught a tear, the brains when seeing erotic imagesHypothalamusWhenFusiform spindleIt was also confirmed that the reaction of the reaction was weaker than usual.

It seems that women tend to shed tears during the period of menstruation, but as with pheromones and body language, thinking that tears are also one of the means to convey information on reproduction among heterosexuals, during menstrual period Crying frequently states that it reduces opportunities for sexual intercourse during periods of low probability of pregnancy, which is truly logical.

Dr. Adam Anderson, a neurologist at the University of Toronto, stated that the results of this study are to "light up the origin of hidden tears". Dr Anderson seems to think that the liquid to wash away the garbage from the eyes began to have chemical signals and then began to express sadness.

Professor Kazunari Higashihara, a molecular biologist at the University of Tokyo who studies biochemical signals between mice, concluded that the specific components that suppress male sexual arousal are not identified in this experiment, We point out that it is unknown whether it is through the olfactory system or through the skin and it is difficult to judge the importance of tears as a biochemical signal between heterosexuals.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log