"White Black Thunder" tasting covered with thick white chocolate as well as Hokkaido's snow coverage Review

Yuraku confectionery net mail order limited item"White Black Thunder"When I ordered, I got to editorial department today just one week passed, so I decided to check that taste.

It seems that we have been upgrading various kinds of chocolate coatings using Hokkaido milk and sugar beet sugar, so we compare it with ordinary "Black Thunder" and collaboration product "Dear Girl Thunder" and eat as muzzle Saw.

The whole of "white black sander" is from the following.【Rakuten Market】 White Black Thunder: Yuraku confectionery i-shop

Since six boxes of "white black sanders" ordered arrived, I tried stacking them in a pyramid shape for the time being. It is enough quantity to make me think that trouble is not a problem for a while.

I tried one box down from the top of the pyramid. In addition to the blue coloring which reminds me of snow, the mark "From Hokkaido" of Sumi, the lower right corner of the box, somewhat gives a sort of Hokkaido soupy atmosphere.

Touching cautionary phrase "Tasty descent!" Is it an image that a ski jumping player slides down with full power?

The case sold at the shop in the state where the upper part was open seems to be completed by cutting out a prescribed part of this box, and the procedure was written on the side of the box.

I tried assembling according to the procedure. It looks like something like "It's a delicious descent!" Has come to pop out so it's not strange to sell it at a shop.

And this is the "white black sander" waiting for you waiting.

Outer box was assembled as if it was for sale, but again, "This item was commercialized for sale at Rakuten Ichiban Shop, it is not on the market," and is clearly stated.

Raw material name is like this. Since I did not have caloric inscription, I contacted Yuraku confectionery and it means that it is 134 kcal per one.

Black black sander, I bought a normal "black sander" box, so I will try to compare. It is called coloring of the outer box, and it seems that "white black sander" is a pair with ordinary ones.

The package looks like a color difference, but the usual Black Thunder has two names "Black Thunder God", while "White Black Thunder" has no such notation, but the details are different.

The raw material name of usual "Black Thunder" looks like this. There are differences in content, but the materials are almost the same.

Calories are 115 kcal per one

"White Black Thunder" is finally opened. The body is covered solidly with white chocolate.

Chocolate is stuck firmly with feeling that it covers the biscuit part completely, such as chocolate is solidified in the form that it flows on the side and the side.

I can understand that plenty of white chocolate is coated, as you can see the section. First of all, when you eat a mouth, it is a sense that the soft texture and mellow flavor of the white chocolate layer will spread over the mouth for a while, in the mouth, and then the crispy texture that is the taste of black sander will follow you . The presence of white chocolate is not only apparent but also clearly visible on the taste.

"White black sander" is 26 grams. The weight of the dish is excluded.

The usual "Black Thunder" is 21 grams, which means that "White Black Thunder" is heavier than 5 grams because the white chocolate coating is thick.

Compared to ordinary "black sander", thick coating of "white black sander" is more distinguishable. It seems that there are so many chocolates on the surface that you can make all irregularities with white chocolate.

Comparison of sections. When comparing "black black sander" with ordinary black sander, the size of the biscuit portion is roughly the same, but the coating "white black sander" seems to be one size larger than the other. The taste is normal black sander has a strong cocoa flavor and "white black sander" has a mellow and elegant impression thanks to the coating chocolate although the cocoa flavor is not so strong to that extent. The price is 20 yen higher for "White Black Thunder" than for ordinary ones, so it seems that the part is reflected in the taste as it is.

Next, the black sander's sister item that I saw at a convenience store in my neighborhood "Dear Girl ThunderI will also compare it.

Yuraku confectionery and radio program "Kamiya Hiroshi Ono Daisuke's Dear Girl ~ Stories ~"It is a collaboration product.

What is different from ordinary one is that salt chocolate is used, it seems to taste first love. Is not first love so salty ...?

Looking at the raw material name, "wheat puff" which is not found in the usual "Black Thunder" or "White Black Thunder" is included.

It weighs 19 grams. The lightest of the three types may be because wheat puffs are included.

Slender looks like wheat puff on the cross section. As "Dear Girl Thunder" is written as "salt chocolate" it is quite salty, so the sweetness of chocolate and cookies was felt vivid as much, so it's a completely different mood from the mellow mouthfeel "white black sander" It is finished.

"White Black Thunder" is a somewhat rich line with net mail order limited items, the presence of white chocolate is not half-ended, it is perfect for winter, which makes you feel the gentle sweetness of the coating that was applied heavily It was.

Currently "out of stock with good reputation", so the next shipment is scheduled for around the beginning of January,People who want to obtain reliably registered in e-mail magazine of Yuraku ConfectionIt seems good to have it.

People who always liked Black Thunder as well as those who like sweets using white chocolate were also very satisfying, so it may be good to try someone who is interested.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log