Wall robot operated with Wii remote control "UOUR BOTTEN Neo"

"Jaee ー ー け ー け ど"ofPeople insideAccording to the story from the story, "With the power of the magnet, we have made it possible to directly operate the robot that can run on the side of the whiteboard, blackboard, refrigerator with the Wii remote control. By choosing the mode, it is frustrating to proceed to touch the line It is also possible to run automatically by tracing games and lines.This is a robot you made yourself to play with the input interface familiar to children who are doing TV games " I tried to make a thing called "UOuru Bot Neo" that allows direct Wii remote control and Bluetooth communication.

It is quite exciting to stick to the wall of the refrigerator and run around.

Details and movie playback are from the following.
Uouru Bot Neo: じ ぇ ー け ー ー け ー Sotto

UOuru Bottom Development History: JAE ZOO SOFT

This is "Ooou bot Neo"

USB Bluetooth dongleMbed(Microcomputer module), obtain the operation of the Wii remote control via Bluetooth, and operate the LED and vibration of the Wii remote control.

Operable with Wii remote control

It is also possible to operate the robot by pasting it on the wall

You can select from the following three modes from the Wii Remote to play.

· Direct operation mode: Mode that can be operated with the cross key or the tilt of the Wii remote control

· "Frustrick like" game mode: Run game arbitrarily and operate so as not to touch a black line Game mode

· Line tracer mode: Mode in which you follow a black line.

You can see the actual operation of these on the following page.

I tried to make wall robot to operate with Wii remote control - Nico Nico video (Harajuku)

YouTube - Wall Bot Neo

It will be held at Tokyo Tech on November 20 and 21Make: Tokyo Meeting 06It seems to be able to experience the operation of the actual machine at.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse