16 Tips You Don't Know About Sleep



'Sleep' is something that everyone seems to know and often doesn't know, even though they always do it at the end of the day.

So let's take a look at an infographic that summarizes 16 tips you probably don't know about sleep.

Details are as below.
16 Facts About Sleep | Psychology Degrees

1. What goes on when you sleep

When you sleep, your brain is recharged, then your cells are rebuilt, and then your body releases important hormones, and your physiology begins to work. Short sleep interrupts this cycle, and sleep deprivation can lead to poor health and adverse health effects.

2. The amount of sleep you need depends on your age

The required sleep time varies depending on the age, and although there are individual differences, it is roughly as follows.

Baby: 16 hours
3 to 12 years old: 10 hours
13 to 18 years old: 10 hours
19-55: 8 hours
65 years and over: 6 hours

3. When men dream, 70% of them are about another man, but women dream about another woman and a man at the same rate.

4. We dream only of faces we have seen, whether or not we remember them clearly

5. 'Parasomnia', which moves freely while sleeping, is a kind of sleep disorder that causes you to perform unnatural movements.

Crimes related to this Parasomnia include 'sleeping driving,' 'writing a check,' 'murder,' 'sexually violating a child,' and 'rape.'

6. 12% of people dream of black and white monochrome

Also, since the advent of color television, more and more people have dreamed of coloring.

7. Dreaming is normal evidence

In general, people who don't dream have a personality disorder (it's unusual to really never dream, not the case of dreaming but not remembering or forgetting). That).

8. Sleeping poses represent personality

'Foetation' (41%): Rough at first, but with a warm and open-minded personality
b. 'Log' (15%): Strongly sociable but somewhat frivolous personality
c. 'Adorable' (13%): A person who is perceived as an open personality, but is really suspicious.
d. 'Soldier' (8%): Modest and quiet personality
e. 'Free fall' (7%): A fun and dreamy personality seen at parties, etc.
f. 'Starfish' (5%): Excellent listener personality

9. One in four married couples is sleeping in a separate bed

10. British soldiers first developed a way to stay asleep for 36 hours

The 36-hour sleepless method is to wear a special sun visor that mimics the brightness of the sunrise when you are tired.

11. Mammals that sleep long and mammals that sleep short

・ Mammals that sleep for a long time
1st place 'Koala': 22 hours a day
2nd place ' Whiskered Bat ': 19.9 hours a day
3rd place ' Pangolin ': 18 hours a day

・ Mammals with short sleep time
1st place 'Kirin': 1.9 hours a day (1 sleep is about 5 to 10 minutes)
2nd place ' Roe deer ': 3.09 hours a day
3rd place ' Asian elephant ': 3.1 hours a day

12. When a dolphin sleeps, only half of its brain is asleep

The other half are awake and helping the breathing cycle

13. People die from lack of sleep before lack of food

If you don't eat anything for 2 weeks, you will starve to death, but even if you don't sleep for 10 days, you will die.

14. Even people who are blind can still see the image in their dreams.

If you are blinded acquiredly, you can see the image in your dreams as if you were blind. If you are congenitally blind, your emotions, sounds, smells, and touches will work instead of your eyesight and you will be dreaming.

15. Within 5 minutes of waking up, 50% of your dreams will disappear from your memory

Within 10 minutes you will forget about 90% of the dreams you had.

16. One in 50 teenagers has bedwetting

in Note,   Posted by darkhorse