"Twitter discards degree calculator" which calculates your Twitter disposition degree

ByYo Mostro

"Tweet number × Follows number × Favorites ÷ 100000000 = Twitter discards"It is this" Twitter disinappage degree calculator "that it knows how much the Twitter is rich and dependent, and how much it is going to leak to the point of being disregarded.

Details are as below.
"Twitter discard degree calculator"

Easy to use, just enter the ID you want to know the degree of spoiler and click the "send" button.

In this way the scrapped degree is calculated and the result comes out. By clicking on the link below it, you can tweet to Twitter with a shortened URL.

By the way it is also displayed that Twitter discard ranking is ranked, and it is 514 5812.9% unknown number when becoming the first ranked person, it is definitely scraped.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse