Mecha + beautiful girl = Drosselle Lady, life-sized drosselle of young lady at Akiyama Studio

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Speaking of "Mecha and Bishoujo" is a royal road element of Moe. Although it is often realized in the form of a beautiful girl on a mechanic or a beautiful girl wearing a mechanism, "a girl with a mecha" is a "FireballIt is a Daessel lady appearing in ".

Molding group ·Akiyama StudioIn addition to reproducing this drossel on a human scale, he was carrying out "Astro Boy" Atom and the famous Evangelion first machine + Asuka + Ray.

Details are as below.
Akiyama Studio Booth.

Eva familiar was a landmark.One Face 2010 [Winter],FurthermoreThe 47th Amusement Machine ShowIt is no problem to say that it is said that it is representative of Akiyama Studio.

Price 350,000 yen, Life Scale Astro Boy.

And this time was conspicuous, Dorussel of human scale.

Mecha + bishoujo is the royal road of Moe,Drossel LadyThat character nature is also popular.

Next time, I'm looking forward to one festival 2011 [winter].

in Coverage, Posted by logc_nt