Anti-copyright group launching provider as "keep privacy to the utmost"

The revised copyright law incorporating measures to "download illegalize" to prohibit acts of downloading while informing illegal video or music being illegally delivered by file sharing software etc. illegally was enforced on January 1, 2010 ,The National Police Agency runs "file sharing software monitoring system"Although the eye for monitoring file sharing becomes strict, it became clear that anti-copyright organization appealing liberalization of file sharing and revision of copyright law launched provider.

Details are as below.
World's First Pirate ISP Launches In Sweden | TorrentFreak

According to this article, "Pirate Party", which asserts legalization of file sharing software etc. established in Europe and the Americas, can set up a provider in Sweden which is the only seat secured It seems to have become apparent.

The Pirate Party has already provided hosting services to the file sharing information site "The Pirate Bay" which had been struggled in a series of litigation in May, but said that the service target will be expanded to general users.

Gustav Nipe, a member of the Pirate Party and CEO (chief executive) and majoring in economics, said: "If there is any broken part, you can make patches and fix it" in a hacker's perspective He stated that setting up a provider is a way to combat society dominated by copyright.

Nipe said that it will "keep privacy to the utmost" about the provider that is planning to launch, and already has launched a two-week beta service with 100 users in Swedish Lund. After completing the test, we are also proceeding with service expansion to other cities after offering official service aiming at a market share of 5% at Lund.

Given the fact that information disclosure requests were actually made by copyright organizations, police, etc., it seems that hurdles are likely to be high, "keep privacy to the utmost", but on the contrary "privacy is protected It seems that many users say "I want to subscribe."

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log