A cool picture of orang-utans that I love to swim with a beautiful teacher

On a hot and sunny day, it seems humans and animals seem to be together to want to play water, but it is a nearly perfect tree living personOrangutanIt seems that it is unlikely that you usually swim even if you do about bathing.

South Carolina"Suryia" kept at Safari Park in Safari Park is an unusual swimming orangutan in the world, I love to jump into the pool on the back of the trainer and diving. If you are watching a picture that swims nicely, you might get out of work or school and think that you want to go swimming now.

Details are as below.King of the swimmers: How orangutan Suryia loves a summer dip with his trainer | Mail Online

South Carolina StateMyrtle BeachofMyrtle Beach Safari"Suryia" to be kept at is a 7-year-old male. The figure of clinging to the back of Moksha Bybee (30 years old) keeper and jumping into the water may be a little envious even for human beings.

Suryia especially likes to dive on the back of Moksha Bybee, and if Bybee comes up to the surface of the water it seems to pull as if to say "more, more".

I have seen a figure that humans swim on the back of dolphins and killer whales, but it is not unusual for other living things to ride on the back of humans.

Safari officials said that Suryia may be the world's first 'aquatic aung-utan'. Fathers who realized that Suryia likes bathing exceptionally, when they brought them to the pool of about 20 meters in the garden, they felt immersed in swimming as they headed to the pool without sunlight so that they could swim in three weeks It seems to have become. Although it seems that diving can not be done unless it is with Bybee, he can swim for about 6 m so far without the aid of the keepers.

Suryia seems to think that Moksha Bybee is a girlfriend, but unfortunately Bybee is married.

in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log