Dogs and cats with 1,600 dogs and 200 cats, one dog and one hut

People who keep pets may be taken care of and the problems of innocent animals being thrown away may be taken up. The lucky case taken over by the new owner is rare and many are disposed of by public health centers and dealers. In Brazil, there seems to be a settlement of dogs and cats who have lost such a visit.

There are 1,600 stray dogs and 200 stray cats living in the village, so it is like a residential area because one hut is prepared for each one.

Details are from the following.
Favela for Dogs in Brazil (7 pics) >> - videos, pictures, celebs, flash games

Трущобы для собак в Бразилии (7 фото) »Триникси - Вселенная Развлечений. Картинки, приколы, видео, флэш

This is a settlement of dogs and cats. Although there are so many cabins in part, it is true that there are more than 1,800 animals in total.

It is almost like an animal city.

There are also dogs relaxing on the hut.

There seems to be not only small things like kennels but also large huts like those in zoos.

Signs that describe the bait time etc.

I am raising water to a dog.

Dogs are getting restless, have they become time for bait?

Where I feed them. From a place quietly 'waiting', I seem to have been trained properly.

You can see what it seems like in the movie from the following.
Brazil's Dog Favela | Video |

This dog and cat settlement was made by a certain volunteer group in the south of town of Caxias Do Sul in Brazil. It seems to be receiving approximately 14,000 dollars (about 1.3 million yen) of aid every month, but it seems quite difficult to take care of 1,800 dogs and cats.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log